
Whats the differnce between England, UK and Britain?

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are they all the same, or is the UK including, scotland ireland,




  1. The United Kingdom comprises England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.

    England is a single country within the UK. The terms 'Britain' and 'British' are often used rather loosely to refer variously to the United Kingdom or England. It is properly 'Great Britain' (though one cannot use the adjective 'Great British') and means strictly Scotland, Wales and England (that is, the British 'mainland'). The word comes from the Latin 'Brittania' and probably derives from a Celtic tribal name. Some history books make a distinction between the British people and the English people, 'British' in that context usually meaning the Celtic inhabitants and 'English' being those of non-Celtic origin.

    The British Isles includes Eire (which is not part of the UK).

  2. Oh god here we go with all the incorrect answers...

  3. The united kingdom of great britain and northen ireland is a country, also england scotland wales and northern ireland are countries within it, certain celtophiles will try and have it that england isnt a country, but thats just racism as are the thumbs down to all these answers.  They're are still a bit cranky afer the english defeated them in battle everytime

  4. United Kingdom = England, Wales. Scotland, and North Ireland,

    Great Britain = England ,Scotland and Wales.

    England = Just England.

  5. The uk and britain are the same thing. England is a country in uk or britain...

  6. Britain and the UK are the same they are like a continent only really small. England is a country in Britain along with Ireland, Wales and Scotland


  8. England is just England. UK includes Northern Ireland, Wales & Scotland.

  9. The United Kingdom is a country that consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. In fact, the official name of the country is "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland."

    Great Britain is the name of the island northwest of France and east of Ireland that consists of three somewhat autonomous regions: England, Wales and Scotland.

    Therefore, England is part of Great Britain, which is part of the United Kingdom. The U.K. includes England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland are not countries but the United Kingdom is. The remaining portion of the island of Ireland (that which is not the U.K.'s Northern Ireland) is an independent country called the Republic of Ireland (Eire).

  10. Great Britain is made up of three countries, England, Wales and Scotland. The United Kingdom is Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

  11. England is a constituent country.

    UK is a union of 4 constituent contries :England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.

    Britain and UK are the same thing.

    Great Britain is just the large island. (England, Scotland and Wales.)

  12. Geographically Britain = England + Scotland + Wales

    and the UK = England + Scotland + Wales + Northern Ireland

    For Scots and Welsh nationalists Britain is England and British history is all those bad things that the English did that Welsh and Scots people had nothing to do with (yeah right).

  13. They are all the same

  14. England is a country within the UK and Britain

    Britain is contained within the UK (minus Northern Ireland)

    The UK is Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland

  15. England is part of the United Kingdom.

    The United Kingdom consists of Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Island.  The flag has a red cross (george cross), blue x, scotland flag.

  16. As said above by xherbalx and Niki... England is England. It only needs one name.

    The reason there are these other names is because it means entirely different things. They are not the same.

    England = England

    (Great) Britain is the name of the island that is home to Scotland, Wales and England.

    UK = Great Britain (as above) and Northern Ireland.

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