
Whats the diffrence between itunes and ipod. they both do the same thing rite?

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cuz i am thinkg about getting the iphone and i would like to know the diffrence because to me they do the same thing, both play music and store other applications into a ipod or phone such as an iphine. please help me




  1. iTunes is what you download music, videos, etc, and an iPod is an MP3 Player

  2. first of all itunes is a program you download to put songs and stuff on you ipod which is the thing u listen to

  3. itunes is a kind of music software

    ipod is music player that plays music. here are the some of the examples of ipod.

    itunes is used to synchronize music in ipod.

  4. iTunes is a music player on your computer and transfers music to your iPod which is a portable music/video player.

  5. iTunes is the software used to put music on the iPod.

    iTunes is more like an accessory to the iPod. (Or vis versa.)

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