
Whats the disadvantages of being part of the EU?

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Whats the disadvantages of being part of the EU?




  1. EVERYTHING!!!!!.

  2. the answer with soolana

  3. Paying massive subsidies to thieving french and spanish dirt farmers.  The honest British are slaves to the laws the french and spanish simply ignore and shrug their shoulders at.  There are many benefits from being in the EU but I cant stand given these thieves money to do nothing except wastefully produce goods that nobody needs

  4. Wealthy countries had to open their borders to huge numbers of poor immigrants that are draining their resources.

  5. Being part of the EU means that you have to follow a strict set of rules and guidelines and also that you must act as a whole with other European countries when coming to descisions.

  6. !: the extortionate cost.

    2: the continuous and unnecessary laws passed to us from Brussels.

    3: the massive influx of unwanted immigrants from Europe

    4: the excessive number of illegal immigrants that are allowed to cross Europe to arrive at our shores.

    5: The continued wrecking of our fishing industry.

    6: the continued wrecking of our industry by European owners.

    7: The extortionate cost of Electricity and gas when supplied by European owned companies.

    I could go on but I have yet to find any advantage to the membership of the criminal organisation.

  7. Some common policies are hard to be accepted into the single countries...It seems no one is really friend with the French and the Germans huh? :-D

  8. I suppose you wouldn't be able to be independent or make your own decisions as a country. And you can't have your own unique powerful and pretty currency. Not to mention we would be under the risk of being ran by the French and the Germans.

    That's all I can think of in one minute, so I hope that helps.

  9. ask the swiss

  10. We have to put up with the blue rinse brigade moaning about how they fought to keep the Germans out and the government is now letting them take over anyway, they also moan about losing the Pound. That's the only disadvantage I can see.

    Only way I can see to stop this is to either pull out of Europe, not a good idea, or to tell the sods to bugger off and join Europe properly and whilst we're at it join the Euro.

  11. I would like to know also, since our country seems to be heading for a "one block country" also......Mexico, USA, Canada.  Heaven help us.

  12. The list is almost endless, but I should only have to give you one, " We lose Britain as a Nation State". If that doesn't satisfy, how about losing democracy, and possibly capitalism.

  13. we have to listen to the french and germans wingeing.

  14. what are the advantages more to the point,keeping lame,has been,or can't be any other way politicians in a job,is probably one of the biggest disadvantages.The gravy train keeps on rolling.

  15. The big disadvantage of EU membership is the lack of accountability of the EU commission. I've raised this before in 'answers'. How do we control those who would control us? Here in the UK we have an independent judiciary - no man is above the law (although Peter Hain would have liked to have been) - There is a fixed maximum time a government can remain in power without calling a general election and we have a free independent press and media (though the BBC seem to be new labour's favourite l**k spittles). There are no such guardians of liberty in the APPOINTED EU commission. We're a bit like 's*x industry' workers - the harder we work, the more we get scr*wed.

  16. There are allegations that the single market legislation has undermined our national ‘sovereignty’.

    There are new rules about everything alot of red tape for companies and business's to put up with.

    I guess others (from the Uk point of view)will complain about spain being able to fish in british waters as well.

    But in theory there are benifits:

    Bigger markets deliver more scale economies and more competition. These in turn deliver lower costs, more demand, and create more jobs, and incentivise more innovation.

  17. The economy of the country will be under the rules of the EU instead of having independence to act on its own.

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