
Whats the earliest age???

by  |  earlier

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at what age can u start to give panadol to a baby? i havent given her any or anything, but we are sick at the moment and i think she is a bit sick too. she was a month on the 13th.




  1. yes she is old enough to have Panadol.

  2. ya

  3. One month old a baby can have Childrens Panadol.

  4. Never

  5. The only time you would give acetaminophen to a baby that age is to bring down a fever that is higher than 102F (38.8C) and even then only AFTER the fever is assessed by a doctor.

    Fever is a signal that something is going on in your child. Usually this is a minor illness, but it can be a serious infection, such as meningitis. Any child less than 90 days old with a fever >100.4 degrees F should be examined by a physician right away, to rule out a serious infection (unless there was a DPT shot in the previous 24 hours). Children of any age who have a fever >105 degrees F should also be seen, unless the fever comes down readily with treatment and the child is comfortable. Any child who has a fever and is very irritable, confused, has difficulty breathing, has a stiff neck, won't move an arm or leg, or who has a seizure should also be seen right away.


    A fever does not necessarily need to be treated. If a child is playful and comfortable, drinking plenty of fluids, and able to sleep, fever treatment is not likely to be helpful. Steps should be taken to lower a fever if the child is uncomfortable, vomiting, dehydrated, or having difficulty sleeping. The goal is to bring the temperature between about 100 and 102 degrees F -- not to eliminate the fever.

    #  If your infant is 6 weeks or younger, and has a fever of 101 or higher, this is considered a medical emergency. Your doctor should evaluate your infant right away, either during business hours, or in an emergency room after hours. Do not give any fever-reducing medications in this situation (you don't want to hide the fever until after a doctor has evaluated your baby). Be sure to confirm any fevers with a rectal thermometer (if available) before contacting your doctor.

    # Infants age 7 weeks to three months with a fever over 101 warrant an appointment with your doctor within the next several hours. You generally don’t need to page your doctor in the middle of the night in this situation if the office opens within the next few hours. Simply follow our recommendations on treating fever below and call your doctor in the morning. If it is the early evening you should probably page your doctor, since the office won’t be open until the following day. Be sure to confirm any fevers with a rectal thermometer (if available) before contacting your doctor.  

  6. What is panadol?

  7. You can give a child baby paracetamol or baby ibuprofen from one month generally (unless they are very small).

    If you are concerned about her health, see a doctor.  

  8. You can give panadol to a baby from one month, however, most doctors don't recommend it for a young baby unless he/she has a high fever and/or is in a lot of pain.

    The health of babies that young can deteriorate rapidly and if you think your daughter is sick, you should take her to the doctor.  

  9. You need to consult a pediatrician.  Even the slightest overdose can damage the liver or kidneys.  A bit sick is no need to give medication right away.  If she is irritable and not having a fever then comfort measures are best.  If she does have a fever then she needs to be examined.  Good luck and hope everyone feels better.

  10. at one month they can have panadol, dont give nurofen though-

  11. usually when babies go for certain immunizations, the doctor will prescribe baby panadol. u can ask yr pharmacist or doctor about this.  given the right amount, it should be safe. good luck and i wish all of u the best of health.

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