
Whats the easiest and cheapest way to get a court order to have my son put on my insurance ?

by  |  earlier

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Because my son does not live with me and since I dont file him on my tax's, my insurance company will not insure him unless I get a court order.




  1. You have to go to court.  

    You'll have to pay for the filing, and have the custody order changed.  Probably, you'll have to hire a lawyer to write the change.  

    The judge may or may not agree to do it, after you've hired the lawyer and paid the fees.

    This is really a legal question, though, and not an insurance question.

  2. ok my suggestion is my newly found weapon: It's a site that has Lawyers subscribed to it.

    It's free to do. You shoot off your case and their lawyers are shown the info, then they might choose to take it or not and quote you a price, then you choose who you go with.

    You get to thoroughly check the lawyer's backgrounds etc, it's good because you just spend 15 minutes with the site and that is it. You could have a choice of a few lawyers.

    Free to try, no obligation to go ahead with anything

  3. Good Lord! Wouldn't it be easier to switch insurers?

  4. you know,if you want to get the most relevant answers,you got to try to find it out yourself,since only yourself knows what you really is a good resource for you to start.

  5. Your ex could always claim it was suppose to have been done at divorce. That may get it in the court without the attorney.

    If he is your son, He should automatically qualify to be on your company insurance? Sounds kinda fishy

    You could always get an prepaid attorney? Cost you less than 100.00 to get it started and 25.00 a month after that. Well worth having for the rest of your life. They are yours 24/7

    Get the attorney and then request the need. I would be happy to give you more information on the attorney part. Heck, you made need one for your insurance company. My email is

    I like the Idea of changing insurance companies too.

    p on them.

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