
Whats the easiest non painful death?

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just wondering...




  1. Not sure if there is an answer to that but hope for a 'good death' which is possible. I am an RN and have worked in a hospice, it's the best you can hope for. But a good life is even better.

  2. As for me, I want to live to 100 (nice round number) and then get shot by a jealous husband.


  4. To go to sleep and not wake up. . . Hope that is the way I go :)

    P.S.  If this is a suicide question, please seek a professional's advice and not mine or anyone elses. . . Please!!!

    Bright Blessings!!!

  5. I am 77 and about 8 moths ago I was in the hospital for a simple stint. Well there was nothing simple about it. I died !!!! It was not much fun. Death is a permeate solution to a simple problem. I lost 25% of my heart and am slowly geting back my strength. I could of been a vegatable.

  6. Carbon monoxide from the car's exhaust system.

  7. Pull your vehicle in a garage,seal the door tight with rags.Start up your vehicle and enjoy.

  8. Either Taking overdose of sleeping pills, or other types of drugs,   Thats no so Painful.. i think...

    If Your Thinking of killing yourself Then dont !!! (lol)

  9. digging a well with a F/A 18 fighter doing 600 MPH

  10. Who wants to die fast and easily painfree?

    How bout write a wil to be opened 1 yr after your death, go to a meat factory, jump in the grinder, and then the next yr, every1 will puke.

    UMM for your country!!

    shoot yourself, napalm sticks to ya

  11. it may not sound non-painful but getting your neck snapped with the fastest and least painful way to go, it always kills you instantly and even if somehow it took even 10 seconds to kill you, your whole nervous system wouldnt work so you wouldnt feel any pain

  12. dying in ur sleep......zzz

  13. Put tape on your mouth and nose and hold your breath until you pass out.

  14. to kill the brains immediately. or to get a decompression disease, its like dying in sleep. divers who goes descent or ascent too quickly in the water cause of the sudden changes of the pressure, get this decompression disease. some survive, but those who dont lose consciousness and die.

    btw some people who survived overdose with pills says that its quite painful. but if its not painful while overdosing, then its painful when your livers and kidneys hurt cause of the damage. human body can be very strong to survive, but it cannot protect itself from the damage.

  15. getting smothered by pamela andersons breast

  16. to go to sleep....then not wake up ever again

  17. Being vaporized by a 100 megaton nuke.

  18. I can't help you here. I don't think there is any painless way to kill yourself. I would have to say that killing yourself is the chicken$%*! way of handling things. It takes a much stronger person to stand tough and face what it happening. Of course it's going to be hard. Has anyone ever told you life was going to be easy or fair?? If they did... THEY LIED LIKE BIG DOGS! But you have to remember, your are still very young...and things will get better, then they will get worse again and then better's life! But you go on. You can't let things get to you so badly that you want to kill yourself. I've always told my kids..."What doesn't kill us makes us stronger." Do you think I wanted to be pregnant at 16 ? Not really. Did I kill myself or my baby? No, I didn't. I toughed it out and went on. My daughter is now almost 30 and I have three awesome grandchildren who would never have gotten here if I had did myself in or God forbid I killed my daughter. S**t happens...take responsibilty...stand strong and you get by with a little help from your friends...and a whole lot of help from God. Pray. He's there. He listens. Pay attention to the answer.

  19. In your sleep, or in a car crash.  I'd rather not think about death though lol!

  20. I know one of the worst, and one that should be outlawed by the US constitution would be to hear either Hillery or obama whine on and on and on and on and on and on,  get my point?

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