
Whats the easiest way to learn how to play the guitar?

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please help! i am a teenage girl who really wants to learn how to play the guitar. i just got an electric guitar for christmas, and i like classic rock bands. I pretty much like any music with an awesome guitar solo. i also like acoustic guitar really well too. can somebody please help?




  1. A teacher is the best, they will create a lesson plan that will shape your guitar playing to your needs, and if your lucky like me, my teacher has about 450 songs and we learn those while learning theory and good techniques as well as I get to bring in any songs I want to learn and we sit down and write them out.

  2. To be honest, a teacher is definitely the way to go.  I got a book to help me with guitar and in the end, the book and guitar collected dust in my basement.  I got a teacher, and haven't looked back since.

  3. There are no easy ways to learn to play the guitar, if you actually care about learning to play well.  If it was that easy, everybody would do it.

    My best advice to you would be to take lessons one on one with a good teacher, who will teach you to UNDERSTAND music and play it on the guitar, not just show you a few songs.  But be aware that this is not something you will learn overnight,  or in a month, or even 6 months.  If you're serious about becoming a good musician, not just learning a couple of power chords and a few bits and pieces of famous guitar solos, be aware that it will most likely take years to get to that point.

    Actually, its a life-long journey, because no matter how good you get on guitar, you realize that there's always more to learn -- about the guitar and about music in general.  So musicians never really stop learning -- unless they stop playing.

    So its not about "easy".  The question is, are you willing to commit to becoming a musician? OR are you just looking to learn a few famous guitar licks to impress your friends?

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