
Whats the easiest way to paddle/kick only using your legs to tread water for two minutes?

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This is for lifeguard certification




  1. It's what they call doggy paddle.

  2. There are 2 basic techniques and 1 advanced technique to do this.  The first basic technique is a flutter kick.  This kick is just like front or back stroke kick and has the advantage of being steady, however it does not have a lot of power, so you will have to be naturally buoyant or have to kick pretty hard for the 2 minutes.  The next basic technique is the scissor kick or breast stroke kick.  It is when you quickly snap your legs together in order to propel upward.  The advantage of this kick is that it is quite powerful, but the downside is that it is not a steady kick and your head will bob up and down and might go underwater at points depending on if you are any good at it.  

    The advanced technique is the egg beater kick.  It is both steady and powerful, but is hard to learn.  Basically, it is the breaststroke kick used one leg at a time instead of both together.  Instead of kicking both legs at the same time, you will alternate kicking the right leg and left leg.  You can practice by sitting in a chair and making circles with your feet where your  left foot goes clockwise and your right foot counter-clockwise.  You can start with both at the same time, then change to just one leg, then just the other, then both at alternating times.  Its hard to get used to, but is by far the best technique for treading water and for playing water polo

  3. Do you have to hold the 20 pound brick above your head still?  That was required for 2 minutes way back when i certified.  The easiest way is to spind your legs like an egg beater. Don't try to kick as hard as you can.  Use your body's natural boyancy to your advantage, and just practice.  It will seem like nothing when you do it.

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