
Whats the easiest way to tell your parents that your on your first Period?

by Guest65783  |  earlier

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Whats the easiest way to tell your parents that your on your first Period?




  1. you act like you have something to be ashamed of, you have done nothing wrong at all just tell them, it's not like you are pregnant or anything. are they that clueless that they think you will never get older?

  2. pull your mom to the side and tell her that you need some "personals" from the store.... she will know what you mean.... I had my mom tell my dad because i did not want to say anything to him...

  3. if your mom is a really good friend and you talk to her like a bf, you could just tell her upfront. if your not on good terms you could saymom could you look at this?

  4. If you have a single parent, like just a Dad, break it to him when he's not eating....otherwise do it nicely and tell them that you understand what's going on, (that is if you really do), and allow them to know but not worry themselfs to death about it. It's a normal thing.

  5. I already knew all about the whole period thing from friends at school but had never had that discussion with my mom. My whole life I was under the impression that she was scared to see me grow up (got my first bra at 10 and went straight to a b cup lol) So at the age of 13 right before a bath, I spotted the stuff in my undies, called her to the bathroom and and simply said "Look" . which she did and walked out of the bathroom after telling me to finish my bath. Afterwards we had the chat about cleanliness while on it, how to keep track of it and she kept me home for a week! Once you tell your mom, im sure she will explain it all to you since it seems she hasnt given you the ok to let her know when it happens.

  6. I went up to my mom, and I was like "Um, I think I need a pad"....the rest is history :)

  7. i just straight out told them they were cool about it just get it over with good luck :-)

  8. Call your mom over and talk to her.Ask her for time and guidance.

  9. just go up to your mom and tell her "guess what mom? i got my period!"

  10. Idk but I do know it's easier to tell your mom who most likely will tell your dad.

  11. just be lik "mom i started my period."

  12. Mom- i started my period

  13. I would suggest you speak with your mom first. Then she and you can tell your dad.

    There is nothing bad about it... they shouldn't have a problem with it.

    Just a natural thing that happens.. unfortunately now for many years to come.

  14. when she goes out to the store shout " hey mum, will you get me some tampons?"

    thats how i did it :)

  15. Lol, I didn't know a thing about it, and I was watching a horror movie and started bleeding0_o.  I ran screaming to let my mother know( I made sure my daughter knew about it before it happened^_^).

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