
Whats the easiest way to win an abay auction?(any tips?)?

by Guest64685  |  earlier

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Whats the easiest way to win an abay auction?(any tips?)?




  1. Remember:  If it's too good to be true, it is.

    First, examine the offering for that item, especially those that are almost done and have several bidders.  This will tell you, roughly, the price people are offering for it.  Keep in mind that the price you see is actually a bit low compared to the final price, and a lot of ebay sellers jack up the SHIPPING cost to increase their profit or cover handling expenses.

    Next, check out what prices you can get for purchasing the item online or in a store.  You may actually find, when you calculate cost and shipping, you'll be better off outright purchasing it.  It a store has it and you manage to get a coupon or its on sale, all the better.

    The best way to win an auction is to bid at the last minute (or as close as you can).  It's dirty and sneaky, but it's the truth.

    You may still fail to get the item, so don't focus on just one, but watch several.

  2. Winning an auction isn't he point.  It's buying the product at a reasonable price..

    The "easiest" way to win the auction is to bid a price far over the value, a price that is so ridiculously high that no one in their right mind would bid higher. Of course that also makes you a loser.

  3. Once you find the item you want, wait until there is about 30 mins or less to start bidding.  When most people bid on things, it is when there is a lot of time left in the auction.  When you wait until there are a few mins left, there are less people that you are bidding aginst.  That will help you will that auction

  4. my trick is to wait until the last minute, lets say the item is at $4.50 so i'll bid $5.00, when it asks you if you want to make a higher bid I know I'm willing to pay $13.50 for the item so I'll bid $8.00 ( this is right after each other) then raise it to $10 then $12 until the minute is up. I dont check my position, i just keep raising the bid.  the thing is when you do that someone may have saw it at $5.50 so they think that, okay I'll put in $6 but by the time, their six is confirmed you already put in $8 so it takes them longer to go and adjust their price.

  5. as someone else said

    wait till the last minute and put a maximum bid,which you are wiling to spend on item.

    That means wait untill the last 60 seconds before biding, this give no time for other people to enter another a higher bid

    of course they could have already have entered a higher bid, but you should only bid the max you want to spend .

  6. wait till the last minute and put a maximum bid,which you are wiling to spend on item

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