
Whats the fastest way to clean a home well?

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Any tips my husband said complete the cleaning off one room instead of jumping from room to room . Any other ideas?




  1. Everyone has their own system..mine is... do one room at a time ...clean everything in that room..I always start in the kitchen...and I get as many dishes into the dish washer as possible sometimes load it twice..I laso clean any stainless steel with spray on window cleaner....then move on to the other rooms...when every room is finished from top to bottom....I vacum ..then mop.. floors....when all that's finished I sit down have a tea or coffee... :) I try to do this once a week so then I have the rest of the week to do things for myself..and only have to wipe up as I go..

  2. start with your dusting, then vacuum carpets after that start mopping anything that can be mopped

  3. It really depends on the condition of the rooms in question.  In my house I have a basic cleaning routine that makes cleaning very easy efficient...

    I start in the kitchen and work my way out... I save dusting/vacuum/mopping for LAST... I live in a ranch house so it's easy to do that stuff last or all in one day...

    Kitchen- remove cobwebs from ceiling/light fixtures, wipe down appliances/counter tops.... Load, unload dishwasher/wash dishes.  Clean out fridge, wipe down cabinets, sweep/mop floor....

    Work from the top of the room to the bottom.... Use vacuum attachment to get rid of cobwebs and dust bunnies..... Dust furniture and clean mirrors and other surfaces.... Make beds, put away clothing,shoes etc.... Sweep/vacuum....

    It just depends on the basic condition of you home to start.....

    * I clean a house that WAS a mess.... I had to start in one room and work my way from room to room.  Once that was done- I can now do the entire house in about 2 hours...

  4. Just quickly do the dishes and washroom, mainly look over and clean anything thats noticeable. Or if you want to clean the who house then you can do it super fast but you might miss alot or  take your time and do it right.

  5. start at one end and clean each room as you reach it. If you have a two or three story home start at the top, make sure you have a rest and a snack and cuppa, so that you're not worn out before the reach the end otherwise you'll never get to the bottom floor or the other end of the house. Next plan is hire a team to do it for you once a month.

  6. You know I have to say I love PK's answer its appealing to me and something I will try.

    I have made a list of work to be done for each room and stuck it near the light switch so I get everything done in each room.

    I don't follow it exactly or stay cleaning in each room like that though.

    If I am vacuuming everywhere gets hit with that Vacuum!

    I clean the Kitchen and Bathroom first, then tidying as I go, throw in a load of laundry and folding clothes that seem to appear everywhere in the bedrooms as I go along.  

    I keep a Goodwill Bin every week it gets clothing and stuff that helps keep the clutter under control. I put it in a black garbage bag for pick up and close it up! This way I don't see it to take it back out!

    So, it sounds like your husband is giving you instructions here! When you make a list for each room you would realize just how much work goes into cleaning and yes assign him some chores to. Let him see the list of work you have to do. When he starts complaining about anything that isn't finished just tell him you have it on your to do list and if he has to complain about it he can just pull his weight and do it himself!

    Just because you are the woman of the house doesn't mean he doesn't get any housework! those days are long gone!!

    Uhh... My husband still does nothing though.. I am beating my head against a wall lol...

    The other day I told him he is like a piece of chewing gum stuck to the chair in the living room and we both cracked up even while I was saying it..he knows its true.

  7. LOTS and LOTS of coffee,and you need a sitter for your kids,otherwise it's endless!

  8. I jump from room to room too.  That's just the way I've always done it.  Do you know how frustrating it would be to only vac one room at a time, stop, clean another room, then vac that, I like the way I've been doing it.

    Here's what I do:

    Dust..not one room at a time...go through the house and get all your dusting out of the way.

    Then Glass.  same room at a time until all the glass is clean.

    While I'm cleaning the glass, and I come to the bathrooms, I'll clean there too.  Only because I there and I want to get it clean before I mop.

    Then mop..same thing, all rooms

    Then vac.

    Between all of this, I make beds, do laundry, dishes, and am cooking lunch or dinner.

    Happy cleaning.

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