
Whats the fastest way to cure a burn?

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I burnt myself 2 days ago on the forehead but I picked at it. so now it will probably leave a scar. so whats the fastest way I can cure it? or keep it from scaring?




  1. Key to avoid scarring is to remove any scabs and keep the area moist with antibacterial ointment.  Bacitracin is the best, as neosporin is drying.  Keep scrubbing the scab off with a buf puf or washcloth.  It will bleed, but stop the bleeding by applying the ointment.  Keep the area bandaged if possible and wet continually until the skin heals.  I had a car accident and had over 40 sutures on my face, I have absolutely no scars due to the advice of my plastic surgeon.  Anytime you have a scab, you will have a scar.  No scabs, no scars.  

  2. soak the area in a cold fluid try just a bowl filled with ice water dip your for head into the bowl and sit for around ten mins this will take the swelling a bit, do not pick at the blisters it is your bodys way of naturally healing. use a cream such as polysporin to help the burns.

    finally keep the area dry and claen. repeat use of the cream you have choosen as needed.

    as for the swelling put a hot rag on it, hot as you can take without actully burning yourself again. this will take the heat out witch is part of the resaon your body is swolen.

    good luck  

  3. Run cold water over it for five minutes, apply a sterile gauze over it, and take over the counter medication such as Advil or Motrin if it's a first or second degree burn.  

  4. Salve is good for burns. You can buy it off the net.

  5. Don't put any creams on it because its a sterile area, or it was until you picked it lol. Aloe vera gel is good for burns but if you don't have any then I don't know what to suggest. Don't put a plaster on it because it will make it go soggy and naasty (and you'd look a bit stupid), you could try some lavender oil, my book says put it on neat, undiluted but you might want to water it down a bit.

    Good luck!

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