
Whats the fastest way to make friends ? ?

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My old friends are starting to ditch me now for new people,

I'm a freshmen now and its the third day of school.

I've talked to a couple of people, But I see really cool looking people i'd like to talk to but I get to scared. What should I do ? How to be the girl everyone wanna talk to ? I dont want to be that werid girl in the coner doing homework during lunch lol




  1. Just be your self its the best thing you can do. Start talking to more people. Don't be shy and talk to those people that look really cool.. or you could join a sports team. So you would be on a team and you would make some friend there too! the most important thing is just be who you are and  have fun while you're at it!

  2. sounds like you're not ready be with them. listen and watch what they like about and find out what they usually talk. something in common open-mineded and outgoing you'll be find and get friends. good luck!!

  3. you could pay them a couple of bucks

  4. Just be yourself and don't try to rush things.  If you come on too strong people might not like it.  See if your school has after school clubs you can join.  This would be a good way to meet new people and you would have something in common with them as well and give you something to talk about.

    Or if your school has a newspaper that it puts out maybe you can join as a writer.  That way you would have to get out there and interview people for stories and such.  And when you're walking don't forget to smile at people.  If they smile back then nod.  They'll remember you as a cool person.

    All in all just be yourself and give it time.  You will meet new people in class and around the school during lunch time and recess.  By the way you didn't mention what grade you are in but what I said mostly applies to any grade school.  Just remember to be kind to people and they will come around.

  5. be ur self

  6. just suck it up and go out on a limb and talk to them, even if they reject you, youre back to where youre at now right? and popularity is all about having the largest network of friends, say the popular crowd has 20 people, get 30 unpopular people and you now have more, you win.

  7. get some courage and talk to them   whats the worst that could happen?  or join a club or a sports team and make some friends that have the same interests as you

  8. I know what a girl had to do to grab my attention. Either have lots of money or flaunt the goods and you'll have all sorts of friends.

  9. Well, I just go up to people I wanna talk to, I am not a shy person. Before you go over to them, make sure you have something interesting to say so you can keep their attention after you introduce yourself. If there is something cool you could all do, just be like, hey, just trying to have some fun this year and wanna meet some fun people, how about we go do something fun sometime. And suggest something cool to do. If you can't suggest anything for you all to do, just get to know them, their names and what they like to do, and ask if it would be cool with them if you came along. You just have to be cool, calm, and collected. Speak slowly and be confident. Give them a good vibe, like you are very confident, and not desperate for their friendship. Hope it works for ya, it works fine for me. And there is nothing wrong with doing your homework during lunch. If you get it done at school, you have more free time after school to hang with your cool new friends.

  10. beng ur self

  11. Shyness has it's own merits, but I think that in your situation, u should b the person that u already r.  I know that it sounds simple and it is not.  But being natural is the easiest way to b that "girl".  You have nothing 2 lose at all.  Self respect?  Pride? Give it a try and see what  happens...  No problem...

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