
Whats the fastest way to put on weight?

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i weigh nine stone now but i want 2 b 10 stone with in next month if possible




  1. eating 100 bar of chocolate a day

  2. Being one who was always skinny and NEVER put on weight, I was suddenly surprised when I got on the scales and found my weight increased 8 pounds, and then 12 more pounds, and eventually 20 additional pounds.  Ironically, it wasn't through sitting around and eating chocolate or any such trash.  It came as I began seriously bicycling for amateur competition.  Not knowing it at the time, but enjoying it nonetheless, my appetite mushroomed, as did my caloric intake, and, using some intelligence in my choice of foods so that I would be the healthiest, and therefore the most competitive, I began gaining weight as described above, for the first time in my life.  And yet, I was leaner and more muscular than ever before too.  It was then I learned that muscle weighs more than fat, and the caloric intake, being used for very serious exercise, helped develop my musculature, and therefore added many pounds to my body, all of it "slim and trim".  God Bless you.

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