
Whats the fastest you have driven on or off roads, what were you driving, and did you get pulled over or not?

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Me I did 148mph on a highway on my Yamaha R6 for 5 miles or so after i slowed down I saw a cop on the side off the road within less than 2 miles.

So Lucky!!




  1. 148 good for a suzuki R6 but you need an R1 my brother got 149mph on a dirt track

  2. 110 in a 1995 Kenworth, down hill, off road in winter with 58 tons of logs on the back. If you can't stop, you GOTTA stay up front :-)

  3. to many to count ...and funny thing is i have had many accidents and i have drove like speed racer and i have many many tickets but not one time did they pull me over for speeding ...usually faulty equipment or something else

  4. i hovered around 150 for about 4 miles on a straight section of the interstate, with no traffic and no 'pigs'..

    '93 cobra

    got 5 speeding tickets.................................... yeah, i know.

  5. 145 mph, young and stupid driving a 1971 Plymouth AAR Cuda and did not get caught and never did it again.........

  6. I reached upto 170 on Honda City, and i am from India so no rules on the road here.

  7. 145+.... the speedometer ends there and the line was well past it 325i... didnt get pulled over was following a car that blew by me so i went behind it and followed it figured hed get pulled over be4 me

  8. I have gone like close too 150mph but i almost crashed  so i am not doing it no more maybe just 100mph:)...nop i never get pulled over

  9. My dad went 135on a freeway where there was no cars with a 2008mustang yes we got pulled over but the police caught on the radar that he was going 70 haha =]

    it took the cop 4miles to catch us

  10. 125 mph in a 1968 suped up Mercury Cougar on a straight road coming back from a ski resort about 50 miles south of Lake Tahoe, and no...we got away with it...

  11. Once my friend hit like 165 (or he says he did).

    Buuuut he got pulled over and had to stay the night at the station haha.

    And on top of that he screwed up the engine of his '94 Honda.

  12. Not that fast. it was 97.5 on Hiway 50 over Echo Summit going west.  There are few passing lanes and I had to pass 5 cars that were driving me nuts.  There was a 45mph turn just past the end of the passing lane that I had to brake really hard for.

  13. 140 mph for about 10 miles in I-80 in a Mustang Mach1

    No I didn't get pulled over it was raining all cops go to the doughnut shop when it rains because they don't want to get wet.

  14. About 119 mph on I-94 late at night in my 1988 Honda CRX.  No, if I'd have gotten stopped, I surely would have gone to jail.  I was in no condition to drive.

  15. 130 mph in a Peugeot 405 SRi.

    It was on an RAF runway, one weekend when the normal aircraft were not flying.

  16. Very stupid...but on a mile-long road, I got up to 100, with my 3 sons in the car. They were 4-5-7 at the time, and I should have known better.

    They thought I was ultimate cool Mommy, tho.

  17. 140 mph on an Acura RSX. Fun and scary.

  18. 160, The Outback - Dirt Roads, '07 Navara Crew Cab, All the time, Never pulled over.

  19. About 110+... Mitsubishi Eclipse... for about 1 hour... so about 100 + miles....... and no, I wasn't pulled over that time.

  20. 155 mph on 84 Honda V65 Sabre.

    Rode across Montana at 125 mph for 6 hours when it was legal.

    Drove a drag boat to 165 mph.

    More tickets than I can count.

  21. I once did 138 in my 02 Civic ex, then the dumb restrictor cut in.

    It was on I-40 in the desert with noone around.

    I wouldnt do it again, I just wanted to see how fast it would go, and all i did was get up to speed to its limit and then slow down, one rock and i would have been lunch meat.

  22. I was being chased by the police in the winter at 140 mph from what I remember peaking on my Cutlass Supreme International Series and was mad because I just got a new engine soon before that and nailed it on the highway for fun at 165.  Regardless,  how stupid and scary was this.  I lost both rear wheels, bounced into a pole and shot sparks before i crashed into a tree and came to a stop.  Luckily I had driving instincts and luck because all damage was behind the doors and I walked out stupid and alive.  The cops thought I had a real reason to run but I was just scared and thought I could get away from a suspended license from speeding tickets.  In the end, the judge, tickets, and fines were nothing when I look back at the car and what could have happened.  I only totalled my car that lost it's insurance policy a week prior because of the suspension and paid for a car that I could not drive.  My license and record were cleared up and I learned a stupid lesson.  In answer to your question before that engine,  I drove on a free highway at 170 mph in a 90 I series cutlass supreme and loved it.  I did not enjoy the chase.

  23. 140 mph in my old Buick Wildcat-interstate 94

    168 Yamaha R1- county road

    75 in my Champion bass boat

    150 on my buddies GSXR

    Also outran a cop in my old Chrysler Conquest, only about 75 mph, but it was in the Kettle Moraine area.......most of it is posted 35.

  24. Just make sure that you aren't endangering other drivers or people. That is awfully fast. Anything (human or animal) can get in your path. How bad are you going to feel if you destroy someone's life?  Think about it.  Go to a raceway.

    I believe the fastest I've ever gone is 85 mph. I'm not completely certain. I certainly didn't keep that speed up. I'm a safe driver. I put others ahead of my needs.

    Sign up for amateur car racing. You won't hurt any innocents then.

  25. 125+ mph in a chevy silverado

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