
Whats the fate of universe? it will blow-up all stars within galaxies? and turn into a big black void?

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Whats the fate of universe? it will blow-up all stars within galaxies? and turn into a big black void?




  1. Some say the world will end in fire;

    Some say in ice.

    From what I've tasted of desire

    I hold with those who favor fire.

    But if it had to perish twice,

    I think I know enough of hate

    To know that for destruction ice

    Is also great

    And would suffice.

    And that by a guy named Robert Frost.

    There are three possibilities.  Fire is the Big Crunch (or Gnab Gib) where there enough mass in the universe to make enough gravity to collapse everything back together.  It appears this won't happen.

    Ice is the heat death of the Universe.  Galaxy clusters collapse, but fly away from each other, so that they can't see each other.  It takes a long time, but eventually there's nothing but black holes, which evaporate, leaving a sea of not much in the way of not very energetic photons.

    The Big Rip says that dark energy will get so strong that everything is torn apart, including individual atoms. It may not wait long enough for it to get cold.

    I favor a simple heat death - ice.  But from the ashes of our Universe, a new Universe could start with a bang.

  2. The currently accepted theories are that the Universe will continue to expand forever, such that at the end of the day we (if we were still alive) will see nothing but ourselves alone in the universe. The stars will not blow up but all matter is expanding and in fact accelerating due to what is called Dark Energy, but little is known of this force at the moment other than the suggestion that at great distances it appears to turn gravity into a repelling force as opposed to an attracting one..

  3. either dark energy will cause any empty space to expand to a point where subatomic particles are ripped apart, the universe will contine as is or gravity will take over and the universe will collapse.  Scientists predict that it will continue as is but no one can be sure because we know almost nothing about dark energy.

  4. I am afraid that is a very depressing subject. The are a number of different theories. First, there doesn't seem to be enough matter in the universe for it to collapse back in on itself in a 'big crunch' and start all over with another big bang.

    The two most popular theories on how the universe will end are; One, the universe will continue to expand forever and in a few trillion years (the universe itself is only 13.7 billion years old now) there will be nothing left but low frequency energy. Eventually every particle of energy will so far a way from every other particle that they will not be able to interact act with any other particle and the universe will be a cold, dark, lonely void.

    The other, more frightening theory is that the universe will continue to expand and the rate of expansion will continue to increase due to dark energy that eventually (once again trillions of years in the future) matter itself will rip itself apart leaving nothing behind.

    The two links below can give you some more information on both these gloomy out comes. I hope it doesn't ruin your day, but take heart, in a few hundred trillion years no one will be around to worry about it.

    Sleep tight.

  5. It sounds like the current favorite theory is that dark matter will keep the Universe expanding until nothing is close enough together for interaction that causes heat and light.  This would make the universe cold, dark, and uninhabitable.

    "How will our universe end? Recent speculation now includes a pervasive growing field of mysterious repulsive phantom energy that rips virtually everything apart. Although the universe started with a Big Bang, analysis of cosmological measurements allows a possibility that it will end with a Big Rip. As soon as few billion years from now, the controversial scenario holds, dark energy will grow to such a magnitude that our own Galaxy will no longer be able to hold itself together. After that, stars, planets, and then even atoms might not be able to withstand the expansive internal force. Previously, speculation on the ultimate fate of the universe centered on either a re-collapsing Big Crunch or a Big Freeze. Although the universe's fate is still a puzzle, piecing it together will likely follow from an increased understanding of the nature of dark matter and dark energy."

    "The universe will die. The sun and other stars like it will throw out heat until they have no more energy to burn. The big bang threw everything outwards at a massive rate. As it gets bigger, so the gaps between matter get bigger and are filled with "dark energy". Instead of gravity pulling everything back down to a "big crunch" the dark energy accelerates the expansion process, pushing everything further apart faster and faster. In the end everything will be a cold, sad, blackness as the stars all go out, or are too far apart for us to see anything - but "us" will be long gone. This is currently the bookies' favourite."

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