
Whats the first thing ppl ask u when the find out ur homschooled?

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i get these

"so you can sleep late?"


"so you can wear your pajamas all day?"





  1. Umm...I've been home educated all my life ('cept for a brief flirtation with school in Primary 3) and I really can't remember being asked anything about it by people I meet. 'Course that's probably because where we live *EVERYONE* is either home educated or was home educated, lol!

    It's the few kids up here who do go to school (boarding school) who get pestered with all the "what's it like?" and "what do you do?" type-questions whenever they come home.

  2. its not nice or welled mannered to use the word "retarded" in the  way that you did.  Maybe they skipped that lesson in home schooling?  So I guess your parents are not fundamental  Christians since they are not your teachers,  thats a positive.  But try to have empathy for others that are not as "fortunate" as you.


    edited to add

    didnt make sense? hmmmmm let me suggest then hun you work on your reading comprehension skills.  Good luck to you!


  3. I was never home schooled but I would ask you...Do you like it?  and  Do you have a social life?

  4. Never been homeschooled, but i have spoke to these 3 kids (they are siblings) and they are home schooled. i asked them, how does it feel to be home schooled and they said, its fun. i asked them do you have friends? it took them several minutes to answer me the simple question. 'yes' but we dont see them often. i asked them if they like being homeschooled, they didnt  say yes neither no, they simply told me, they want to make more friends.

    Personally i think homeschooling your kids means we are stripping away their rights to socially enjoy other children's company. if children are homeschooled i dont really think they will learn what is the meaning of  life in the real world.

  5. People usually go,

    "So, your home-schooled are you." What is ......And then they ask my some math question or something to see how smart I am.

    And if I don't know the answer than I am automatically a total r****d and all home-schoolers must be the same way.I hate it when people think that.But the also ask me thing like do you like it, how long does it take you to do your school, how long have you been home school.And so on.

  6. "WHY!!"

    "You're kidding right?"

    "What about exams?"

    "Is that allowed in this country?"

    The thing is, Im from India and Homeschooling is still a VERY  VERY new concept here. Most people do it to escape from an unimaginative, outdated, purely memory testing curriculum.

    I only just  left school about a month ago so all my friends are still getting used to the idea...

  7. I have to chime in on this- I am home schooling my 6 kids.

    People will ask my kids  "test" questions to see if they are dumb as a rock--

    Then I get the  "Don't you need a teachers help?"

    and- they won't be properly socialized

    ..Yeah....being locked behind 8 foot fences, with armed guards at every turn, with teachers that are dis-gruntled,over worked,under-paid, and  staff that "is just there to see what happens next""........THAT is a much BETTER  idea!!!

  8. As a parent, the first thing I usually hear is something to the effect of 'what about them getting a proper education' or something that has to do with the social issue.

    I have also heard 'I could not stand my kids being with me ALL the time'

  9. I usually get, "Oh, that must really suck. Do your parents teach you?" Or, "So, how long do you have to do school a day?" And one time someone asked me, "Oh. So are there any cute guys you like?" (I'm pretty sure they weren't listening to what I said lol).

  10. I've never been home schooled, but I'm always curious about the social part.  Is it easy to make friends and what kind of activities do you do.

  11. haha, i started homeschooling this year and the first question all my old friends asked me was "why?" but i do get the sleeping late, and pajama questions alot! And yes i do have a life, i have 3 best friends, and many more. You just have to know how to get involved in stuff. I also have alot more free time to do stuff! it's awesome!

  12. yep

  13. The first thing people ask me, the parent, is a sensible question:"How do you have time?"

    I work outside the home.  After I explain our schedule, they understand.  The next thing I hear is not a question.  They say, "I could never do that." Sometimes they go on to say that they don't have patience or that they do not have the education.   Well, if they have patience enough to parent they have patience enough to teach.  If they can read and understand what they are reading, they can teach.  

    Once, an acquaintance said, "I could not do that to my kids."

    I laughed at that one and told her that he had suffered enough in public school.  We decided to let him learn the easier way. She later met my son and was blown away with him being so friendly and normal.

  14. I usually get, "Don't you want friends," as my typical knee-jerk response.

    Then it becomes, "How do you make friends," "Why are you homeschooled," and "Do you want to go to school?"

    Once they realize you're as normal as anyone else is, most people will at least be cool with the fact that you're homeschooled, even if they don't agree with it.

  15. A lot of people ask me, "So what grade WOULD you be in if you went to public school?" And one person said, "You'd have more friends if you went to public school." HA! For the record: I'm IN 10th grade (not "would be" - AM), and I have LOTS of friends (I got to classes once a week, too, plus church); yes I have a social life, yes I do homework throughout the week, yes I can go to college, and NO I don't have to take the WASL! (LOL - those are answers to some of the questions I've gotten before.)


  16. The first thing they ask me is are you sure he is learning enough?

    I answer what other five year old can give you directions to Tupelo from his house in Booneville, or let me see a paper and let him read to you, or ask him to spell a simple word like "write or these", or ask him some simple addition and subtraction questions.

    This usually shuts them up.

  17. I would ask "How you feel about only receiving the ideas and thoughts of your parent(s)?"

    I always thought it to be a negative impact to not have ability to be in an envorinment where you can exhange ideas with other students and teachers. I feel that it may stunt educational growth.


    I am not surprised that I received so many thumbs down...but when someone asks a question such as this I am inclined to give my honest answer. I think it is a travesty that these kids will never know the meaning of "true experience" since they have only known their education through the eyes of their parents. I am so glad I went to public school and got to experience all that I did and wasn't shelted at home with only the educational views of my parents to think about.

  18. Okayyyy, I'm not sure what darcymc is on about, but it's not the first time his/her answer hasn't made ANY sense at all!

    My dd has been asked, "Don't you want to go to school?" One teen I know has been asked, "But... WHY??"

  19. Well, to answer your question, people usually eyeball my seven children and ask "How do you DO it all?"

    As for you really think that the typical public school classroom includes an 'exchange of ideas'? Oh please...the teachers preach while the children listen, and that's not an exchange of ideas. Children are taught not to question the wisdom and authority of their betters, and usually are spoonfed eurocentric information without little thought of culture or innate knowledge.

  20. The question we get most is, "What about Socialization?" which seems strange to me, because my kids have MORE opportunity to participate in outside activities since they don't have hours of homework to do every night. We certainly don't stay in the house all the time...hardly ever for a full day.

    Monday- 4H Rifle Project (son, 16) & Poultry Project (daughter, 13)

    Tuesdays- son attends an Algebra 2 class with 8 other homeschoolers, which I teach at the library. Both son & daughter go to church youth group in evening.

    Wednesdays- Two hour sports league with over 100 other homeschooled kids in a local park. More 4H in evening for our daughter, Candy Making or Scrapbooking.

    Thursdays- AM- son rides bike to and from piano lessons. 4H monthly meeting in evening.

    Friday- AM-Daughter babysits in the am for another family. Son and I attend a monthly homeschool book club at a local pizza parlor. PM-Our family goes square dancing at a local Junior High with about 50 people.

    Saturday- Daughter volunteers at a local animal shelter for 5 hours. Son participates in 4H hiking project once per month.

    Sunday- AM- Daughter helps in younger kids' Sunday school class. Son works in church library. PM- Son helps his dad run AWANA games for younger kids; daughter and I are AWANA store managers. Church Youth group meets 7-9pm with sometimes an after-party until 10:30pm (swimming, etc)

    We also do at least 2 field trips per month with other homeschoolers: aquarium, theater, beach, trampoline center, etc.

  21. The first thing people ask me when they find out that I'm homeschooled are...

    Do your parents give you homework? Answer:  No!  There's no point.


    Do you do school work ALL Day?  Answer:  No!  Since I am past the age that is required for school in my state I don't have to be under the state laws for homeschooling.  I study for as long as I like and I also study what I want.  My parents do not pick the lessons, I do.  

    haha! :)

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