
Whats the first thing that comes to your mind when....?

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you hear the words "anti-adoption activist"




  1. heartless

  2. The first thing that comes to my mind is that an "anti-adoption activist" is probably a person who has had a bad experience with adoption.  Maybe a birth mother who was forced to give up her baby by her family?   Or perhaps an adoptee who was adopted by an abusive family?  I have also read that some adoptees are (justifiably IMHO) angry about closed records, thus feeling that they are second class citizens.

    Just a few guesses!

  3. Anti - is negative

    "Activist" makes me think unreasonable, hard headed and not listening to others opinions.

    Who are these people anyway?  People who are against adoption must be some awfully sad people who are probably on a road to make everyone else unhappy....

  4. Unrealistic expectations.

  5. I am not against adoption at all as long as it is done the legal way and that the birth mother giveup her rights because she wants toonot because she is force to. Also I think that adoption is a great alternative because it gives a lot of children the chance to be in a home to call someone mom and dad etc etc simply to be happy.

  6. coming from an adopted person I would say the word that comes to mind is  "WANKER"

  7. I think, What a hero!  Adoption these days costs a lot!  It's illegal to buy a kidney/liver, etc., so why should people be allowed to buy a HUMAN BEING?

    The money involved makes people in poor countries desperate enough to procure kids to sell.   An anti-adoption activist is against these practices.  Children should be with their's a natural.

  8. total ignorance

  9. The first thing that comes to mind is MORON.  What, they just want all of the adoptable children of the world to live in the streets?  orphanages?  what?  If there are perfectly great families out there that are willing to bring a child into their home and give them love and support- then HOW could you be against that?  If it is your personal choice to not have an adoption in your family, that's fine, but stay out of everyone else's business.  My daughter is adopted and no, sunny, I didn't "Buy" her!!  I adopted her out of the foster care system (for free!) and I wouldn't change that for the world.  I love her just as much as if I had given birth to her myself.  If there is such a thing as an anti-adoption activist, they should look into finding a cause that is actually worth fighting for.

  10. To those who are not affected personally by adoption, the whole issue may seem simple- child needs family, couple want child.  Unfortunately, 50+ years of psychological literature suggests otherwise.  Imagine being raised by people you are not related to, never knowing who your biological family are, nor why you were separated from them.  This requires a mind split way beyond the imagination of most.  Who am I, where did I come from?- simple, basic questions we all need to have answered.  Closed records prevent this.  Anti-adoption activists seek basic human rights for adoptees.

  11. Someone that is not creative enough to research something bad to be against!

    How could anyone be against adoption?

  12. someone who has anger issues ...perhaps about their own adoptoin.

  13. How could one possibly be anti-adoption?

  14. So when a 'poor helpless' teenager puts her baby in a dumpster because she's too embarrased to tell her parents she had s*x, we should give the baby back to her after prom and let her try again?

    Adoption isn't always with a stranger.  Family members adopt family members, as well.

    Anti-Adoption would would include other family members, yes?

    Its ridiculous.

  15. Passionate, active and experienced.

  16. i've never heard of something so crazy in my life. what could possibly be wrong with adopting????? aren't there better things to be an activist for?

  17. I try to think of something but all I can think of...I see the words "Anti-Adoption Activist" in my mind. And that's it. Its because I try...I try to think of something and can't just didn't make sense.

  18. Someone who's against adoption. Which is wrong. Adoption is a fine thing to do.

  19. Someone who believes having your own children should be the only way to be a parent. Which makes absolutely no sense to me...

  20. Crazy

  21. Idiot.  Judgmental asss.

  22. someone who for some unknown reason is not only against adoption, but also actively tries to promote his/her attitudes and discourage others from adopting as well.

    I'm not sure why someone would feel this way or why they would actively discourage adoption.  I can't think of any credible reason.

  23. It may sound harsh but there are people who feel thar way. I mean really. Some people feel that they do not want a child that is not born of their blood. They are afraid of what they are going to get. I do not really blame them. I just feel that if you do then getting to know the child is the first order of business. Then again a new baby would be good to to install a tampered free program. However, nothing is better than the experience of having your own child out of your own body. I understand that some people cannot and give thanks to them for being bold enough to adopt a child. Either way anti adoption is not a bad thing it is just the activist word which means they are advocates for the cause. More Power to you!I just like to see the understandings of both sides-Best wishes MD

  24. an ignorant heartless person or people.

  25. Ignorant jackasses who shouldn't have any say in other people's affairs.

    EDIT:  To those people like Sunny, and others, who answered that children should stay with their parents and family, parents are the people who raise children, not pop them out.  I have a bio son and daughter, and I was adopted at 9, and I can tell you now I ALWAYS knew who my parents were, and I also know that having 'bio' children doesn't make me a mother, raising children makes me a mother.  People like you probably don't know the first thing about raising children.  It's disgusting that you would take away a child's chance at a proper life and family for the sake of your ignorance.

  26. "backwoods people" seriously. i have read so many 'kidnapping/adoption' questions on here. some adoptions are consentual, i found that out when i came here to y!a. needless to say i was shocked at such a mentality.

    i guess ignorance can be bliss, they must be just happy as clams.

  27. heartless. They are against adoption of all things...cats, dogs, any pet really and they don't know what they are saying because some or most do need better homes than a 34 x 34 cage or legal injection.

    Actually, if you're referring to kids...I'm against "anti-adoption activists" because from a personal view, my uncle and aunt adopted twins a couple years back and they were very happy with their decision. They are from the philippines.

  28. It's someone that does not agree with the whole idea of adoption - is more about family preservation - is more about encouraging parents to 'parent' and giving them the support to do so.

    'Activist' - just means that it's someone willing to get off their bum to do something about a situation that - as it stands - hurts more than it helps.

    Almost ALL parents CAN 'parent' - they just need the encouragement and financial means to do so.

    Just because you don't have the fancy house / car / pony / swimming pool - doesn't mean you'll be a bad parent.

    I see 'anti-adoption activist' as someone trying to open the eyes of those that wish to believe that adoption is all HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY.

    It is that for the adoptive parents - but for those separated by adoption - there are often many hurts involved.

  29. Eh? What the heck is wrong with adoption?

  30. As someone who has studied linguistics, the first thing that comes to my mind is that the phrase needs to be re-written. I know that an anti-adoption activist is pro-child and pro-family, but that doesn't come across because the phrase starts with "anti".

    Most people don't know how corrupt the multi-billion dollar adoption industry is. They don't know how many reforms need to happen to protect everyone involved. So they can't understand the term. Which is too bad, because anti-adoption activists are working hard to protect the rights of everyone involved in adoption, especially the two groups who currently have almost NO rights or protections: the adoptees themselves and their families of origin.

  31. They are not necessarily against adoption just the way it is handled.  Adoptees do not have the same civil rights as others.  They are not permitted to view their original birth certificate.  Until adoptees are treated as equals in this country there needs to be people to speak out against the policies and laws as they are written in 46 of our states.  The freest country in the world with an open records policy to everyone except adoptees.  There is something wrong with that!

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