
Whats the first thing you would do if you won the lottery.?

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Whats the first thing you would do if you won the lottery.?




  1. Probably recheck my ticket to believe it and than cash in that ticket and than put it in the bank til I figure out what I would do with it..I would wait some time and not do anything without thinking over it for some time...

  2. Depends on how much it was but here the list

    1st- pay off debt

    2nd- pay off house/buy a new house

    3rd - put money into retirement account

    4th - travel

    5th - shopping

  3. Keep VERY quiet about it - put a good amount into retirement account - help out some friends who need it (due to circumstances beyond their control) - travel ALOT and yes, I would probably quit my job.

  4. buy a house out in the country with horses and farm animals

  5. get one of those lump sum settlement things

  6. Call an attorney, hire an accountant and then smash the alarm clock.

  7. Call my sister, get out of town and stay low for a week. Till I really figure out what I'm really going to do before I go down and collect. I would buy a house, pay off my bills, go back to school. And of course I have my family. I have to do something for them as well.

  8. probably have a heart attack then have to pay the hospital bill

    then once i'm better i'd go shopping :)

  9. contact my lawyer and accountant.

  10. 1.  Open toolbox

    2.  Remove hammer.

    3.  Smash alarm clock into oblivion.

    After that, I don't know.

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