
Whats the first words to come out your mouth when you stub you toe?

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Whats the first words to come out your mouth when you stub you toe?




  1. ****ing h**l.

  2. ha..


    ha, i wonder if they'll star it out....

  3. honestly it would be the word rhubarb  my mother was anti swearing and I honestly do not swear if I want to repeat a swear word that someone has said I find it very difficult  It is just the way I was brought up and as I am sixty now I don't think I will change

  4. "****!"

  5. Sh*t !  I can never remember to get rid of that Katrina water!

  6. Ahhhhh Ya b*****d!

  7. Sheet  

  8. B@ll@cks.. usually.

  9. mmm  

  10. *Under breatch*

    Ahhh- Holy F*cking Sh*t Cow Boll*xe Bag.

    d**n that f*cking (object)!

  11. Well, i broke both of my little toes through stubbing them and to be honest i cant quite remember what came out of my mouth, but i know others time when i have stubbed my toes i do the stupid thing of then kicking the object which i just stubbed my toe on which is normally a table or door frame and then i tell it off like it was somehow its fault, follwed by "s**t,wanker,b*****d,f**k,bollocks" or something along those lines.

  12. Ouch... then usually lots of swear words!!!! lol

  13. !*&%!!!ing *@£$***"^& toe

    usually springs to mind

  14. I go to say f**k (but the other version) then change it halfway through to fuckinazula which means beggarbag in Bengali lol

  15. C%%K Sucker

  16. Fecking h**l (yes, the ll part of h**l is extra emphasised)

  17. "OUCH!" OR "OW"

  18. Ow ****

  19. 'oh fudge, i appear to have stubbed my toe!'

  20. It begins with F!

  21. WTF??!!??

  22. B************s

  23. F*********************CK


  25. Darn it! I appear to have jiggered my toe. Crikey, that hurt a little bit.

  26. arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh for fudge sake b*****d fooking wall argghhhhh ouchhh and some ssssss and grrrrrrr's . lol

    the truth i broke my toe not so long ago those were my exact words!

  27. "AHHHHHHHH, SSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHH@@@@TTTTTT!, especially when it's done really, really hard on the toe.

  28. F-*-C-K !!!... That is certain:z

  29. ya b*****d!

  30. Oh sh*t


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