
Whats the fist thing you would do after winning a lottery?

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Nuber 22 and 23 guys are to funny




  1. Quit my job without telling them why and go into hiding.

  2. set up a animal shelter for all the abandoned and ill treated animals

  3. quit my job and divorce my wife

  4. c**p myself, first.

    Then put it all into a big ol' trust fund

  5. Drop out of school.

  6. buy a 1967 shelby gt500

  7. Night out on the town to celebrate with friends.

  8. first u have to PICK THE MONEY UP!DUH!!

  9. pay off debt

  10. claim my reward then go shopping

  11. Pay off all my bills

  12. Hire a lawyer and make sure no one rips me off.  Then quit my job.

  13. hire a financial lawyer to tell me how to spend it

  14. hire someone to take a s-hit for me

  15. open my fist and take the money.

  16. Call me so I can verify and make sure it gets in the proper hands

  17. Buy a really nice car

  18. Go YYYEEEESSSS and cry.

  19. I would cash in the ticket! LOL

  20. I would not tell anyone in my family and then I would secretly find out what they wanted and buy it them and surprise them all!!

  21. Depending on how much I win, I would put about 80% into a trust fund. I would donate 5% to various charities. 5% I would use to buy myself and my family things we need. I would use the last 10% to pay off my parents' debt, since they have done so much for me, I owe them!

  22. 1) bank..but take out like 2 thousand

    2) shopping!! strangely enough im a guy but i need more clothes

    nd shoes

    nd stuff

    3) but game systems and games

    4) indor skydiving

    5) real skydiving


  23. Tell my husband the good news. Then book us on a cruise to Jamaica

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