
Whats the friendliest type of bird?

by  |  earlier

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i would like to find a friendly, nice, and not that loud type of bird. what kind would i get? not very big either




  1. EVERY bird has bads and good. it depends on your life style and what you want. like a cockatiel is friendly but not a SUPER cuddler. conures are but they are loud. diffrent birds have likes and dislikes and personality problems and pros. see one you like do the research first to make sure it matches who you are and what you want.

  2. if you get a baby parakeet and raise it they are really really nice.....any bird can be friendly and nice you just have to show it kindness as well...and playing is fun for them too :)

  3. probably a cockatiel. if you want a friendly pet don't get a bird. they're all pretty noisey. your best bets probably a cockatiel but it still takes lots of training for it to just sit on your shoulder.

  4. Birds re-act to us. If we are calm and friendly and non threatening then they feel secure. If we treat them well, they are friendly towards us.

    YOur chances of getting the bird you want are better if you you buy from a breeder that handles the babies. Ask questions too about the bird you pick out, Before you pay.

  5. i would deff a get a female cockatiel in your case...check out for good tiel info

  6. a female cockatiel

  7. It depends on what you mean by friendly.  If you want a bird that will hang out with you and bond with you, get a cockatiel.  If raised correctly they are SUPER sweet and very personable. (If raised incorrectly...they will be angry and bite you)  They do have the potential for medium-loud calls.  I live in a duplex and I'm nervous that the calls will bother my neighbors.

    If by "friendly" you mean that it has no potencial to bite your finger off, get a parakeet.  Their beaks are so small that it is VERY difficult for them to break the skin. They can be a little more skittish, but will still hang out with you after months of getting to know you. Mine sits on my finger and on my shoulder, but not for a real long time.   A parakeet is a very good first bird to own.  Cockatiels can be a bit intimidating if your nervous about getting bitten.

  8. sunconur


    olny makes noise when mad (not a-lot)

    funny can teach it to talk if wanted

    i had one but it died after 9 years heres a picture

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