
Whats the funniest and worst joke uve ever heard?

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Whats the funniest and worst joke uve ever heard?




  1. Q: Why did the girl fall off the swing?

    A: Because she had no arms.

    This would be the funniest AND worst joke I have ever heard.....but the more I told it, the funnier it got

  2. heres a funny one: Did you know Oprah Winfrey got arrested. They found 10,000 pounds off crack in the back of her pants...

    hehe get it

  3. A paratrooper was scared to jump. His instructor told him, "If anything goes wrong, say, `Buddha oh Buddha' and you will be saved."

    The paratrooper got so scared that he forgot to pull his rip cord. So he said, "Buddha oh Buddha," and a hand came out and saved him.

    He said, "Thank God," and he was dropped

  4. What do you call a bunch of black people running down a hill?

    a mudslide

    What do you call 4 black people in a car? tinted windows

    Where do you hide money from a mexican? under a bar of soap

    P.S. Not the funniest but pretty funny! And not a racist im actually a blaxican.

  5. My best joke of all time and I am sure that everybody has heard it so here goes......

    Two nuns were in a car and all of a sudden a vampire appeared and tried to get to the nuns.

    one nun screams to the other, "Sister Mary, show him your cross, show him your cross"!!!!

    So Sister Mary winds down the window and shouts to the Vampire "FxxK Off you toothy git"!!!!!!!

  6. 2 fish in a tank & one of them says "do you know how to drive this thing?"

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