
Whats the funniest thing you ever saw or heard?

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if you don't remember then try to think of something else that made u laugh! :] it could be something that no one else finds funny but you do, or an inside joke? or something that happened?

and put ur signs 2 ??




  1. There are two things that make me laugh everytime my friend,Julian does them.

    There this family who came to my school once.They had 4 kids,

    Oldest was Christian,then Benedict,Melya or something and Misty.Benedict had some mental problems.

    Now,first thing is,when we would practice our dance for the end of the school year,Benedict woudld do a little dance...We never paid attention to it until Maikol,my Libra friend asked me if I saw the Texas Chainsaw Massacre and I said  no.So he told me that by the end of this movie Leatherface made a little dance...And that it was the exact dance that Benedict would do.Benedict also said that he wants to bring a gun to school and kill us all and he would draw the devil and stuff,it was so scary.

    But after they left,my teacher and Julian imitated Benedict,it was HILARIOUS!

    2. I had to choreograph a dance for my class,so I asked Christian if he knew how to do the moon walk.So he started doing some crazy thing,like moving with his legs forward without lifting them,do you know what I mean?Move from the right to the left and that was how he got advanced.He would move his hand to both sides and he looked like a complete idiot.Julian came to him and told him in his Colomobian accent 'wtf man?what are you doing?idiot?it's not like that - and imitated his dance- - . It was HILARIOUS!I keep on asking Julian to imitate him,I always fall off my chair.

    Hilarious!You have to see it!

  2. I was just walking along one day (don't remember where I was going...)

    There was this little old lady who was walking in the opposite direction, on the same sidewalk. Her cellphone rang. She picked up.

    Her face just turned angrier by the second. Finally, she yelled....


    (This was with her squeaky, coughy, old voice)

    I don't know, she reminded me of a spoiled teenager. Yet, she was about 90 years old. I hurried around the corner and laughed for about 2 minutes.

    Edit: Good to know I made you laugh Emmie. =)

  3. Ahh....It's so hard to come up with stuff when you're asked for it on the spot....Okay, let me think.

    One time I was hanging out in my friend's dorm room with a bunch of people. She had left the door unlocked, because her roommates were often coming and going. We were just calmly talking and sharing stories, when all of a sudden the door opens and this random guy runs in the room shouting "Yo, what's up?!". Well all of a sudden everything got quiet. He stared at us, and we stared at him. He realized that he had gone in the wrong room and became flustered. He began apologizing furiously and ran out really awkwardly. We all looked at each other for a moment before bursting into a fit of laughter. It was definitely one of those moments where you really had to be there. : )

    Libra Sun, Libra Rising, Cancer Moon  

  4. my cousin went to new mexico and he drank water there and he got a really bad stomach ache. We went to a restaurant and we tried getting into the restroom, but it was occupied. My poor cousin pulled a number two all over his pants. Really sad and embarassing, but after we got him new pants, we couldnt stop laughing. Aww man, i felt so bad for him

    virgo, but i dont act like it at all

  5. there so many i cant even name them all

  6. cockerspaniel

  7. my brother and i were stitting at the dinner table a couple years ago and we were young so he was playing "hands" it is stupid but we would pretend that our hands were people...well he was making one get beat up....well he said  WILL NEVER GET ME and he had a "jet pack on" and right then he is immautre but funny as h**l.

  8. Ok theres so many but ill do one recently, i couldnt stop laughing and replayed it like 50 times, that talking cat the black one on youtube omg im so immature but it was funny

  9. I love this bear:

  10. I love it when my bf farts.......i haven't heard him do it in a whle now.....

  11. One of the funniest things I saw was a video on YouTube when someone cussed at d**k Cheney.  I'm a Libra sun.

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