
Whats the funniest thing you have done to a cold caller?

by  |  earlier

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Whats the funniest thing you have done to a cold caller?




  1. Told him that I was Detective Jones with the Homicide Division investigating a murder, then interrogate the telemarketer about how well he knew the victim, what his relationship with the victim was, if he realized that the victim was a flaming homosexual or perhaps was one of his g*y lovers....

    When he'd try to hang up, just tell him HOLD ON, we've already traced your call and we can notify the local police department to pick you up for further questioning if necessary.  Plus, we'll need to speak to your immediate supervisor to investigate any further complicity...

  2. i offered the telemarketer to join me in a round of phone s*x. it was great. needless to say i never received their calls again.

  3. Turned the conversation around and tried to sell them on my home based business.

  4. Our phone number is 1 digit from a dog grooming service. Every once in a while we get calls for the groomer and the person never realizes they got the wrong number our machine fills up. Well we inevitably call them back explaining they got the dog eating service. Or we identify ourselves as dog eaters once they try to scheduile. "sure bring em in !" I'LL get the BBQ sauce ready !

  5. Told the caller they reached a private number at the "District Attorney's Office".  Don't call again.

  6. I have saved a voice message in a sweet girls voice which says hello---hello----who is this--------can you speak a bit louder--------hello and this caller when called in i played this message.

    every time he calls i play this message , this went for more than a week.

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