
Whats the future? Blueray or HD?

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Which would u rather have?




  1. Blu-ray. Walmart announced today that they're discontinuing HD DVD sales in June. When Walmart says you're done, you're done.

  2. I honestly don't want either of them until the prices go down.  Honestly, they can't cost *that* much more to make than regular DVDs.

    My guess is Blu-Ray.  Major companies are backing that format over HD, and Netflix has decided to rent out only Blu-Ray discs from now on.

  3. Check it out.

    Blue-ray is Winning by 75%.

    Reason being:

    1.70% of the movie industry backs Blu-Ray. However, Paramount and Unviersal Studios have made many blockbusters in the last couple of years, giving HD bullets while Blu-Ray has the guns.

    2. Blu-Ray has these major Companies With it:

    Panasonic, Sony, Pioneer, and Philips as the back-bone of the foundation. Couple of others as well as Apple and Dell backing it.

    HD has its backbone consisting of Microsoft, Toshiba, Kenwood, and Intel.

    So you can see that Major Tv companies back Blu-Ray and Computer groups basically back HD DVD.

    3. Netflix will soon just offer Blu-Ray.

    4. We will only be selling Blu-Ray come summer. (when I say we I mean BEST BUY)

    and best buy is the biggest electronics store.

    Bottom Line:

    Blu-Ray has a major advantage. All that needs to make it over is one more of the major companies to switch over. It is doubtful Blu-Ray can lose..

  4. Believe it or not, both Blueray and HDDVD are more "now" technology than future tech trends. Here's what I mean. A couple of answers rightfully noted the decision of Netflix to only rent Blueray discs, but what was not mentioned is that Netflix is actively researching ways to efficiently deliver movies electronically over the net. This is more of an indicator of what the future holds than which hi-def dvd format will ultimately win out. If you're the owner of a video-capable iPod, you, too, may have a glimpse into the future, as you are now capable of downloading full-length movies, TV shows, music videos and other clips directly to your iPod, which is also capable of television playback. Now that the newer "Classic" model iPods have hi-def connectors available, it won't surprise anyone when the new HD iPods become available in the very near future. In short, what I'm saying is that digital hi-def movie downloading is the future, not hi-def dvd discs. My guess is in less than 5 years, downloading hi-definition movies and video content for storage on your computer or personal video device will be the "preferred" standard. Remember, you heard it here first. While Blueray will almost certainly win the hi-def DVD format war, it will be a very short-lived victory.

  5. Hi Ivon,

    HD DVD (Toshiba) vs Blu Ray (Sony).

    The battle rages and it looks like consumers will have to face a dual format much like the dash R and plus R DVDs.

    Samsung & LG already offer dual format machines and others will follow. This probably means both formats will survive.

    While more are leaning to the Blu Ray standard HD DVD has to much out there to just have the format dropped. Look for a lifetime of dual standards just like the standard DVD +R & -R.

    Both use interactive menus but differences are – Blu-Ray capacity is 50Gb and HD-DVD is 30Gb. HD-DVD is region free while Blu-Ray is divided into three regions. (Figures Sony will try to stick it to the consumer) A disadvantage to HD-DVD is they are not all hard coated as are the Blu-Ray. HD-DVDs scratch as easily as regular DVDs while the Blu-Ray are more scratch resistant.


  6. most major film studios seem to be opting for blueray so i suppose that is the immediate future until something new is developed

  7. By the end of the year HD-DVD will be dead. This week Netflix pulled the plug on HD-DVD and is only renting Blue-Ray, 5 out of the 7 major studios are not releasing their movies on HD-DVD and supporting Blue-Ray. Blue-Ray is out selling HD-DVD on players and movies. I'd get Blue-Ray because if you buy HD-DVD you'll have nothing to play in it soon except standard DVDs.

    Once Blue-Ray wins the HD war you'll see everybody making players and prices will start going down fast, and you'll also see prices on the movies drop, and in the next couple of years standard DVD players and movies will be discontinued. Manufacturers can make money on Blue-Ray and there is no profit anymore in standard DVD.

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