
Whats the health-care system in the Republic of Ireland?

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Whats the health-care system in the Republic of Ireland?




  1. The healthcare system is the Health Service Executive...

    everything you need to know about it is here ...

    I used to work for them:)

  2. Actually Children do not get free health-care in Ireland.  Unless you have a means-tested medical card, you must pay for all your health care, GP visits, prescriptions, hospital visits.  Maternity and infants up to 6 WEEKS are free.  Standard immunisation is also free.

  3. MusicGuy hit the nail on the head, i was stuck on a trolly for 2 days and the nurses said "its not our fault, start buggin ur local politican", nearly lost my hand too cos it took so long.

  4. All persons resident in Ireland are entitled to receive health care through the public health care system, which is managed by the Health Service Executive and funded by general taxation. A person may be required to pay a subsidised fee for certain health care received; this depends on income, age, illness or disability. All child health and maternity services are provided free of charge as is emergency care.

  5. Health care. if that what you would call it, is a miss managed joke..

    However if you access the system. the treatment is superb with some deplorable recent exceptions.  The system is overloaded with opinionated Administrators.

    Mary Harney, the Minister for health is hobbled by avaricious

    "Specialists" .. She did not help matters by abolishing the  multiplicity of "Health Board Areas " to "replace " them with a central "Health Service Executive" . As in the Irish Public Service sector, nobody is ever made "redundant".. Result.. abolish area Health Boards .. flotsam officials remain PLUS the new additional "Executive  " ADMINISTRATION !!....some "bargain " .. featherbedding the Yanks call it...only the Irish hospitals are critically short of beds.

    Oh yes, I pity mothers with children..who are "means tested"

    ..we have a very unjust society!

  6. it's atrocious,utterly utterly atrocious. supposedly we're all suposed to get free health care.the system doesn't work.

    it's a joke for a country  as rich as  ireland is to have a health service the way it is.

    if you don't have your own private health insurance,to put it crudely, you're Fuc*ked!

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