
Whats the healthy color for your pee?

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Some say yellow pee means your body is detoxing. Some say yellow means you are unhealthy. But whats the healthy color?




  1. It should be clear or a very light color, which means that you have had the right amount of water.

  2. clear.  but if you had just taken a vitamin it will be yellow then.  

  3. The lighter the yellow color the better hydrated you are. Certain foods can impact both the color and smell of urine, but very strong smelling urine or cloudy urine are usually an indication of a urinary infection. Other symptoms can be feeling like you have to go often and urgently, that there is burning or spasm when you are done, or have lower back pain on either side of the spine.

    Don't panic if you take vitamins or eat food with a great deal of beta carotene Vitamin B or Vitamin C, which can definitely color your urine and beets can make you pee red.

    I will avoid telling you how an old intern doc friend of mine freaked out an entire party by adding methylene blue to an exotic punch he made... but peoples faces on exiting the loo was hysterical. Anytime you see blood in your urine that is also a cause for an immediate doctors appointment.

    Hope this helps,


    P.S. There is a danger of drinking too much water which is known as hyponatraemia - or fluid intoxication which depletes critical electrolytes

    which is more likely to cause fatalities than too little water.

    Hope this helps,


  4. The healthiest urine is clear and pale - yellow or cloudy wee can indicate health problems and / or dehydration.

  5. clear, or light yellow! Dark yellow means that you are eating to much meat and junk.

  6. clear

  7. Your urine in the morning will be a darker yellow, which shows the urine is more concentrated from not drinking overnight. During the day you would not want your urine to look that way. A pale yellow to almost clear shows you are well hydrated.

  8. transparent, clear....

  9. Clear like water. You may notice if you drink a lot of fizzy drinks or alcohol in a day then your pee will turn dark green, don't panic just try to drink more water in future.  

  10. If you drink enough fluid, light yellow to nearly clear is a healthy color.

    Dark yellow means you are passing vitamins and other subtances.

    Light color also results when you drink beer.

  11. clear duh

  12. Color of what comes out of an individual is all a byproduct of what goes in and how much goes in. So color is not necessarily an indication of good or bad health. Anyone with any doubts about their urine over a long period of time should consult their physician.

  13. Yellow, if it's clear it just means you've been drinking too much and your body is simply passing out that water (it's not going to use).

  14. the lightest colour it is the healthier it is, the more clear if you get me.

    also it isnt good if it really smells like pee, if the odour is really strong

  15. yellow if you take a lot of vitamins, clear if you drink a lot of water

  16. Yellow means that you should drink more water and clear is a good colour

  17. Yellow is fine, clear means you've been drinking a lot of water.  

  18. At the beginning of the day it can be "pee yellow", but by the end of the day it should be barely coloured.  

    I've never been able to get it 100% the same as the clear water in the bowl (nor do I know anyone who has been able to do so), but it should have as little colour as possible.

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