
Whats the highest proof of alcohol?

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in canada, that any bar would have.. nothing all fancy.

i want to go to the bar and get p i ssed asap.




  1. Last time I was in a Canadian bar (in Bathurst NB visiting family and friends) I had beer - a pitcher or two of Alpine (I prefer Molson or Boreal, but they didn't have it tabarnak)

    Highest proof of alcohol I have drunk in a bar was Bacardi 151 which is 75.5% alcohol. I go to school in Texas presently and got a bottle of Everclear 190 the other day (95%) It's not available in this strength in all states though. After chilling in the freezer I had a shot earlier tonight and it tasted like a strong vodka.

    Bacardi 151 is a rhum so there's more flavour to it. But if you want to get pissed asap? I would go with the Everclear.

  2. Technically, 200 (100% alcohol)

    Medical grain alcohol, 196

    Strong rum, 151

    Vodka, up to 140

    To go out fastest try a Zombie - 5+ kinds of rum (including 151) with a little (very little) fruit juice. You will feel great while you pass out - 2nd or 3rd drink.

  3. Not sure.  Bacardi 151 is 75.5%.  Here in the States, we can get Everclear.  Depending on the State you're in, it could be from 90% to 97.5%.

  4. I think its 190 proof, 95% grain alcohol.  Goes by name Everclear not available in all states.

    151 rum is more common...its flammable.

  5. normal liquors such as vodka and rum usually has 40% alcohol, 80 proof. everclear is 95%, 190 proof. i don't know if you can get it in bars in canada... i know there are places down here in the south where you can get grain alcohol in bars.

    when liquor reaches 95.6% with only 4.4% water, it can no longer be distilled to get rid of anymore water. so that means that 191 is really the lightest you can get... however....

    there is some stuff called ouzo, that is 96% alcohol, putting it at 192 proof... you won't be able to order that in bars.

    but in normal bars, the best you will probably be able to get is bacardi 151.... rum. there is a smirnoff vodka that is 100 proof.

    i believe absinthe just became legal again in the us just last year. drinking absinthe is known to be called "dancing with the green fairy".(it's green because it's made of anise, fennel and wormwood and the chlorophyll turns it green). is is like 110-144 proof. it was banned because is was supposed to cause hallucinations... but i think people were just getting wasted.

    just go take shots of tequila and  jager. that'll do it :-)

  6. Vodka and Bacardi 151 are the highest proof alcohol

  7. 195 phay ray &nephew not recomended for strait consumption

  8. Ask for a flaming Dr. Pepper.

    Its a fun drink to take, plus it has 151 in it so its sure to mess you up.

    It is a shot glass half amaretto and 151, the bartender will light the shot on fire and drop it into a pint of light beer.  You will then chug it and be surprised to find that it tastes just like a Dr. Pepper!

  9. Baracardi 151 . Name says it all. You need a chaser for this one or get it mixed in something - 3 will knock you on your arsh!!

    Tastes like drinking rubbing alcohol or gasoline - probably worse

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