
Whats the importance of art appreciation?

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help me please!!!! i really need an answer!!! asap




  1. Cuz if people dont appreciate art:

    i.The colour existing in the world would just be black and white,like those old tvs.

    ii.Geniuses like Van Gogh,Picasso etc wouldnt exist in the 1st place

    iii.Histories of old civilization will be lost without any traces

    iv.Human revolution would just be a dream

    v.The word 'Beauty','Grace','Lovely','Charm','Elega... or any of it's kind wont exist

    Better of saying there's no life on earth,although we're breathing.Some of the things i could think of.

    32 seconds ago

  2. when you learn to appreciate art you learn many things. Cultures, viewing something through someone else's eyes as well as how many different types of art there really are. What is art to some isn't to others but you should learn to appreciate the effort the artist puts into his or her work. It is also an inspiration to take this course. Art can revel pain, joy and beauty in a way you can actually feel what the artist is feeling. Well hope you liked the answer and it helped in some way

  3. Cuz if people dont appreciate art:

    i.The colour existing in the world would just be black and white,like those old tvs.

    ii.Geniuses like Van Gogh,Picasso etc  would never even be heard of

    iii.Histories of old civilization will be lost without any traces

    iv.Human revolution would just be a dream

    v.The word 'Beauty', 'Grace', 'Lovely', 'Charm', 'Elegance', 'Exquiteness' or any of it's kind wont exist,so there wont be much to write in poetry,is there?

    Better of saying there's no life on earth,although we're breathing.Some of the things i could think of.

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