
Whats the important of education?

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Whats the important of education?




  1. Importance of education.....

    Without education, we don't get knowledge... without knowledge, we cannot run things as the way we are running now...

    And there won't be such things as computers, IT, robots or even a rocket ship to name a few, if there isn't any education....

    As long we are learning something new in our lives, and improve our lives from there, regardless of where we are.... that is what I call education...


  2. Depends of wot subject one is interested in.. sumtimes college can be a waste of time.

  3. education is the step to growth . education doesnot means degrees it is the knowledge which u gain and use for growth and give to other the knowledge u gained

  4. Grammatically the syntax of the Question must be :


    As been wisely said by learned league to address the Gains and Attains of Life :

    " No PROGRESS  without PROCESS"

    EDUCATION  is an esteem PROCESS to ~ ~ ~

    ~ Graduate ones Thought...

    ~ Muscle ones Opinion...

    ~ Depict acuity of ones Mind...

    ~ Balance the ratio between the Dream, Desire and Decision...

    ~ Co-efficient & Calculus of Use & Utility, Good & Bad...

    ~ and many : much more to fill this sapce to explicate the valued need of same for the Global Upliftment / Up-dation.

    We All, as each One amongst Us... individually being an Important strand of Global Fabric that will reticulate the  Better than Best  PROGRESS...  productive and prolific to One & All.

    Just for you to apprehend the true need of EDUCATION is to gain the mean to qualify its quantitative worth by differentiating the analytic expression for this statement that :

    `~  though many are Qualified, but few are Educated.

    `~  guage a difference between the Qualification and Education.

  5. Education makes human beings to be humble, noble,decent, dignified, understanding, cultured & intelligent.

    That is what education is for.  But these days the educations is too far. Without education and culture, humans behave like animals.  but these days, animals are better behaved than humans.

  6. So you can at least form a proper sentence. Like, geez, I dunno "What is the Importance of an Education?".

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