
Whats the least amount of time a Navy hospital corpsman can re-enlist for after 5 years?

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Whats the least amount of time a Navy hospital corpsman can re-enlist for after 5 years?




  1. you don't have to reenlist, you can simply extend.  Extensions are normally 1 year, but can vary depending on what your command is willing to approve.  The shortest reenlistment is 2 years.

  2. Your SRB payment will be based on how many months you sign-up for.

    The shortest re-enlistment would be 2 years.

  3. Things might have changed since I got out in '91 but if I recall correctly it was 2 years.  Check with your command career counsellor or a personellman.

  4. You reenlist for a minimum of two years but you can extend and stay at your current command for one month up to 24 months if the detailer allows you to.

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