
Whats the least amount of years you can serve in the navy...

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Whats the least amount of years you can serve in the navy...




  1. 4

  2. Hmm i heard 4.

  3. FOUR YEARS, but if you do decided on joining it will be the best four years of your life and who know you might want to do more.

    Also, if you think about it if you enter the Armed Forces when you are 18 and you decide to serve for 16 years that means you could be a capatain in the Navy and retired by the age of 34. With a full pension and all you have to do is lay back and maybe do some side work now and then. Your Path is set when you join the armed forces.

  4. 2 years ( 19 months )  national call to service program now makes it so every service has to have it so that if you score high enough on the ASVAB you qualify for this program. You basically get 70% or 80% of the new GI Bill I think and $5,000 enlistment bonus. You might not get the GI Bill but who knows. You also have two years active reserve if you do this with whichever branch. So its 2 years active duty 2 years active reserves and 4 years inactive reserves.

  5. all contracts are for eight years.  the number of years Active duty is based on what rating you get..anywhere from 4-6 years.

      NCS is no longer an option.  

  6. 4, if you dont get dishonorably discharged.

  7. All military contracts are 8 year contracts. You will sign a 4x4 or a 6x2 meaning... 4 yrs active or reserves followed by 4 years of Individual Readiness Reserves (IRR).... OR... 6 yrs active or reserves followed by 2 yrs of IRR...

    Talk to a recruiter if you want to know more.

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