
Whats the legal age to have s*x?

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I'm 16 and I was wondering cause I heard you could at 16.




  1. Depends ENTIRELY on State law, and you didn't say where you are. The range, in the US, is very wide.

    At one end of the scale, in California it is illegal to have s*x with a person under 18 unless you are married to them - CA does not even have a "close in age" exception.

    At the other end of the scale, in Alabama you can legally have s*x at 12 so long as the other party is less than three years older than you are.


  2. This answer for US resident only.  

    It would depend on what state you live in.  The legal age to have s*x would be whatever the age of majority is in the state you live in.  And that applies to you as well as your partner.  If your partner is under the age of majority, then you are guilty of statutory rape, whether the s*x is consensual or not.  

  3. The age of consent is the age when the law says you can agree to have s*x. In most countries, until you reach this age you can't legally have s*x with anyone, however old they are. Sometimes the law is slightly different when the partners are of a similar age, but there is usually still a minimum age below which s*x is always illegal.  

  4. Each and every state is different. If you want the universal legal age, it would be 18.

    Some states do allow for as young as 16, but do not allow for them to have sexual acts in any form with someone the age of 18 or older. Many have a 5 to 10 year restriction.

    If you truly want to make sure of your state laws, simply call the non emergency phone number and ask. They are not going to come find you and you don't even have to give your first name. They answer, you ask and then thank them, then hang up. Simple.  

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