
Whats the legal drinking age where you are?

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To drink, smoke (and vote) here in ireland, you have to be 18.





  1. 21,18, 18.

  2. well here at the land of enchentment i mean New Mexico you have to be 21 to drink and to smoke and to vote you have to be 18 and older

  3. To drink in public without parents it's 21 where I am and to smoke, 18.

  4. 21 to drink

    18 to vote

    19 to smoke

    in jersey anyway....but who cares smokers are the scum of the world.

  5. 21 to drink, not sure for smoking but I'd imagine 18, and voting 18 also.

  6. legal drinking age is 21 here in the United States

  7. im in ireland to tegan thats a nice name!

  8. 21

  9. 21 to drink

    18 to vote and smoke

  10. i just visited germany

    you have to be 16 to drink

    18 to drink hard alcohol and smoke

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