
Whats the legal way to get someone to move out when the relationship is over?

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I no longer have feelings for my partner and have asked him to move out but he wont go. Now he is saying he has to live within 6 miles of me because of a care order he signed for my daughter. We have 2 children but not married, I have been seeing someone else and admitted it. My partner is getting possessive and spoiling the children when I try to keep a routine and the eldest now is getting very cheeky. What should I do? I want to keep it all legal.




  1. Call a lawyer that specializes in family law or ask your local police department what you can do within the law.

  2. you will need to legally evict him go to the courts and you can get all the papers you will need it is a pretty simple process good luck

  3. If you want to keep it all legal, why didn't you marry instead of shack up?  This is normally handled with filing for divorce.  You haven't gotten rid of one and you already have another.  You do have a problem.  Have you ever thought that your children are sick and tired of all of these extra men in their lives?  Children want one mother and one father and no others.  You don't have a right to do this to the children.  Do you ever think about the children?  You are leading a self centered lifestyle of me, me, me!!!

  4. change the lock on your door

  5. Well really  why should he move out if you are the one seeing someone else? no wonder the children are getting cheeky because they know they can play one against the other and get away with it.

    If you say the relationship is over, then you should go - perhaps the children should stay with your partner especially as he has a care order for one  it seems as though he wants his family - and seems hes not seeing someone else? which would obviously unsettle the children. Sorry, I have been in a similar situation - wanting my partner to leave but he was the one who wronged me, i was a good mother and he was unsettling the children with his bbehaviour

  6. In England:

    Where there is a joint tenancy, one partner must leave voluntarily. Where the house is purchased, one must buy the other out.

    If he does not wish to leave a tenancy, you must seek his eviction, but you do risk losing the case, and you could be the one doing the moving, although the chances of a man winning in an English court are remote. It is an unwritten rule. Thou shalt not come before this court with testicles and expect to win.

    This question probably more correctly belongs in the legal section, but even there, people give the answer they THINK is right, rather than what they KNOW to be right, and give TDs to answers they don't want to hear, even if it is correct.

  7. Go to citizens advice or see a solicitor, theyll advise you on what to do.  

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