
Whats the longest amount of time you have been late?

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i was ttc, and now im late a week. i did a test and it was whats the longest any of you guys have been late for you AF and it still came?




  1. When I was 16 my periods just stopped. And for 7 months I was scared to tell my mom, but finally did and we went to Family Planning, I wasn't preggers, just really really late. We got the provera pill and it started me up again and I've been fairly normal ever since, on and off birth control, and after my daughter was born when I was 24. Now I'm TTC and they are getting weird again, lol, I think it's my mind hoping for it, or else I had a chemical pregnancy last month :(. Good luck!  

  2. 2 1/2 weeks  

  3. I've always been 1-5 days late, but the longest was 9 days.  I was so scared I was pregnant (didn't want to be, at the time) and was so relieved when it came, as it had never been later than 7 days before.

  4. 9 days. And I was off the pill, so I swore I was preggers, but no.

    And "Joicey"

    AF is Aunt Flow...your period

    BFN- big fat negative

    and TTC means trying to conceive.

  5. well im still waiting for AF and i have been since MAY!!! still keep getting BFN's....but when i got pregnant with my son over a year ago i was 3 wks late befor i got even the lightest BFP sign on a HPT!!!


  6. i've skipped months all together before, you're probably just stressed and if you relax, it will come =]

  7. For DW, 4 months excluding pregnancies/miscarriages.

    Basically, back in collage, she took a really stressful course.  It required many many nights of working late at night.  So basically during that 'stressful; time, her reproductive system just shut down and she didn't ovulate for the three months she was taking the class.

    All sorts of stress can cause ovulation to be delayed.  Delayed ovulation = late AF with BFNs.

    And the stress as perceived by your body may not even be perceived by you.  And example I read in the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" discussed the example of a woman who lived in London for the summer.  She loved the time she spent in London, but she never had a period for the entire three months she was there.  (Regardless of if you realize it or not, travel is a stressor on your body).  Three weeks after returning to the U.S., her periods resumed like clockwork.

  8. I actually skipped a whole period.  I was 60+ days late.  But the doctor tested and said it was negativev, and it can sometimes happen.

  9. i was 32 days late the first month i was TTC

  10. 58 days ttc 2 months off birth control

  11. The summer before I actually got pregnant I was very afraid that I was (I was still in college only reason I was scared) because I was 14 days late but I got it on day 15.

  12. I've actually skipped 2mths before so anywhere from 14days to 60 days yikes I know! if anything go and get a blood test if it's any later then 16 days  

  13. 4 months for me.  And no I was not pregnant.  I never get regular periods.

  14. I have  regular  period  and  last moth  for  the  fist  time  i  got  my  period  late ,  about  1  week  and   3  days late   . I'm   28  cycle.  

    i did  a  HPT  and   it  came  out  negative  :( .

    Good luck  


  15. whats all this mumbo jumbo about ?!? BFN? TTC? AF?

    whatever it is and means just wait a month... the latest.... to see if youre preggo.

  16. the longest i've ever been late was 22 days because of the stress of planning my wedding i finally started the week before my wedding when everything was finished being planed.

  17. if you have regular periods and you are late its good sign,you could be pregnant .hcg hormone may not be dectacable yet just wait for a week more and you will get +ve.some pregnancy test claim that you can check 5 days before you miss period.

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