
Whats the lowest test grade you've gotton???

by  |  earlier

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What % of the lowest grade you've gotton




  1. Well, I've had a test where there were only two questions. I got a 50%. XD

  2. believe it or not i got a 0%. there were 4 questions on the test and i mixed them all up so thats why i got the grade haha i had to get my parents to sign it and i almost had to go to saturday school

    i hated social studies

  3. I got a 0 in r.e religious stuff is $hit I didn't attempt to do any right as I don't need it

  4. i once got a zero on a pop quiz.

  5. 1%

    i got one questions right...and that was my name

    in math there was i think 93 questions.....

    yeah i suck at alot

  6. i got like a 49 on a social studies quiz or test, i cant remember. and it was in the 4th grade. lol

  7. hahah i did so horrible in all of my math tests! on my final i got 54%! ahhh it was so bad lol i was about to cry. i failed the class :[ ... but i already had the required math done, so it was pretty much like a wasted year..  it wont really hurt me. lol but it still sucks

  8. I think it was a 30%


  9. Two years ago I got a 23 on a math test. I suck at math.

  10. Hehe...I got a 47 on my business calc test.

  11. The lowest i got on my test was 54%

  12. like a  72%

  13. i believe a 38% on language arts..i suck at LA..

  14. haha. i got a 40 on an engish test.

  15. Lowest I've ever gotten was an 82%.

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