
Whats the matter with everyone?

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I ask questions frequently on this site because i do like to find others opinions and maybe find some new ideas.

Most of my questions relates to finding out ways to cope with my relationship and having a baby on the way!

To be honest i wanted to know whay you all are so negative? why is it that the minuite i mention BABY then i get " your not doing it right" or "you should buck up your ideas" or somrthing similar, do you all honestly think that because Its a guy writing in who likes advice, is deserving of contempt..or do you think that men are useless or something?

I reall want to know because people are really quick to assume that im doing something wrong, just because im asking a question?




  1. Like life there are some negative people who get yahoo accounts. Try not to take it to heart.

  2. You are not doing anything wrong. I know, you are simply asking a question. I do not any sites or books but maybe talking to parents, after all they have raised children.

  3. People are always quick to give an "instant reaction" opinion on this site without first thinking about the positive aspects of any situation. I don't know your situation apart from what you have said above, but my feeling is if you are happy with it, then Bo**ocks to what anyone else thinks.

    I know where you are coming from though. It is easy to put a question on and you sit and read the answers people give and say to yourself "noooooooooo, that's not what I meant"

  4. The average age of those who are computer literate and have plenty of time to access this site is lower than you think.

    Try blocking some of them to get better answers.

  5. I assume its because they have unhappy relationships and their men are useless selfish bar stewards so they tar every man with the same brush.

  6. Don't worry about THOSE people out there....they're useless.

    Have a nice day...or night=D

  7. it's not worth asking this question on here.  try to chat with ya parents/ partner or friends if you can.  

  8. There is no rlebook to being a parent!!

    you do it ur own way - how you want, when you want, where you want!

    only listen to people you can trust, - like ur mum etc and discuss it with them - not what people on here think!!

    tell them to get a life!

    good luck!


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