
Whats the matter with you ?

by  |  earlier

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Everyone has some matter happening.




  1. well...I'm asking a question;...

  2. I am sorry but I do not like to tell my problems on here but also--things are going pretty good right now.  But thanks for asking.  I hope all is well with you.

  3. 1. my mom & dad lost there job

    2.I'm on my period

    3.I'm hungry and drinking water is making me hunger

    4.i need to go school shopping but my mom has not that much money

    to spend on clothes

    5.I'm overweight friend wont answer her phone

    7.right now i hate life

    8. i hate cleaning up behind my brothers and sisters and not getting credit sooooooo BORED

    10. my friend boyfriend is feeling me and i dont know how to tell my bestie cuz he did this once and he keeps wanting me to call him and my friend really likes him like head over heals

  4. life is the matter with me  

  5. So very true...

    I enjoy this question. star for you.

  6. Right now I can't think of anything, because this question is hilarious.

  7. ahahahah, what kind of question is this?

  8. I'm trying to find a new place to live, but the idiot landlords have raised their rents across the board. They don't even need the money.

  9. I'm hungry, and it's way past my lunchtime!

    PLUS I'm having a really boring day at work.  

    Yeah, that'll do - for now. I'd better stop, otherwise I'll launch into my Grumpy Old Woman tirade...

    Hafwen :o)

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