
Whats the max distance you should run daily, with out doing any damage to yourself?

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im doing 9.5 miles a day , just did a 11 mile jog .

would 13miles a day be too much




  1. well obv ur not a beast cuz ur askign this question

  2. The max distance is going to be different for each person. The important thing is to listen to your body, and pay attention to when you are about to reach your too much limit. Never get there, always stop before you reach that point.

  3. Depends on what you define as "damage."  Your body starts burning muscle instead of fat after about 40 minutes of running, so if you don't want to lose any muscle you're running way too much already.  Running that much isn't good for your ligaments or joints either.  So unless you want to have problems with your ankles, knees, and hips later in life, you should probably reign it in...

  4. Dont listen to the guy who said that you burn muscle after 40 minutes of jogging, thats ridiculous.

    There isnt a distance that will hurt your body, you will pass out at that point, if you stay hydrated you should be just fine.

    Dean Karnazes is one of the most fit/healthy people in the world and he has ran 199 miles continously and he is fine.

  5. think about the guy that did 75 marathons in 75 days  thats 26 miles a day. hes not dead.  most olympic caliber kenyans do 80 miles a week, so thats almost 12 a day

  6. Marathoners run 26 miles but not everyday. The rule of thumb is if your legs feel sore as your running you are running too much. Running sore can cause injury.

  7. Nobody can answer that but your own body.  Your body will tell you when you need to stop

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