
Whats the max timr you would leave your dog for?

by  |  earlier

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on sunday, me and my partner are going out about 11 and thinking about leaving our westie at home in his crate, our naughbour will check him about half 3 but is then going out, and we wont be back till about 11pm, what shall i do??




  1. Well dogs sleep for up to 16 hours a day so he'll be fine while you're out.

    Make sure he has plenty of water though.

    If he is older he can usually hold on for ages before going toilet ;)

    I usually leave mine home alone for around 5 hours at most.

    But usually someone is home all day anyway.

  2. It's obvious you care about your dog and this is an unusual situation, I leave my dog in the garden while I'm at work, I have a relative pop in once a day. Have you considered your local vet? they make take him for the day or see if there is an online dog walker. If a garden or the other options are not available to you then make your living room as clear of stuff as you can, lay paper on the floor and he should be ok he may surprise you, Start before you go by leaving him while you do the shopping etc and see how he gets on. If you do opt to leave him out of the crate for the day remember that he is in his own home, leave a radio on. Get him used to it and it should work out.

  3. up to 6 hours in the kitchen and the garden otherwise she poops  and pees upstairs.

  4. "leave him in a crate" nope, give him a room, and news paper by the door, dogs must learn to cope on there own

  5. Personally, I leave my dog alone for 9 hours a day while I'm at work, but she's not crated, she's got the run of the house.  She's used to that, and I've left her for 11 hours once before without a problem.  However, that doesn't mean your dog would be OK for that long.  It really depends on your dog whether it will be OK for that long or not.  How long people on this forum leave their dogs is not going to tell you whether you should leave yours that long or not.

  6. I think that about three hours is OK, A long time ago, I left my dogs for five hours to go to my mothers funeral. There are professionals who will let your dog into the garden or take him for a walk.  It will not cost a lot and it will put your mind at ease.Your dog will be unhappy if he is left alone for such a long time.

  7. You could book him into a kennels for the day or get a friend or relative to have him. Then you can relax and not worry about him.

    It would not be kind to leave him so long in a crate.

  8. About 3 or 4 hours max, how would you like it if you were on your own for 12 hours when you are not used to it?

  9. It depends on what resources you leave for him while he's alone.

  10. He should be just fine. Have your neighbor check in on him again around 7 pm. He needs time to get out and stretch his legs and pee.  I leave my dog at home from anywhere 7-9 hours max, and thats because I have to work, but she's older and can hold her pee longer. Doesn't mean you can abuse it, but you wont have any many accidents.

  11. 2 hours

  12. I leave my dog on her own for approx 4 hours quite regularly.  On the odd occasion I leave her for 6 - 7 hours, but she has our kitchen/conservatory and hallway to roam a little.  Can you not give her some more freedom.   If she chews or scratches you need to dog proof your house until she grows out of it, as you will probably have to leave her for a long period again at some point.  I would not recommend you leave her for 12 hours, but if you must, then it can't be helped sometimes.  Can you not tile your kitchen and let her at least have a bed in there as there is little damage she can do.  I shut my living room Door and put a child gate at the bottom of my stairs when I go out.

    I recommend you make some doggy friendly adjustments so she can roam a little.

  13. I fyou leave longr than 8 hours you can almost expect problems from any dog although some willh old it longer.

    You need to set it up for him... 8 hours in a small crate unless older dog and loving crate is a LONG time.   I would say a smaller room like bathroom with a place to go in emergency (piddlepad) would be better although I am ot fond of those pads.

    good luck

  14. 6-8 hours.

  15. Wow... that's a really long time! If you're able, or if your neighbor is able, have them check on your dog at least one other time, in equal time blocks. Your dog will also have to eat in there some time too, so be sure to consider that as well.

    If your neighbor is able to, have them play with the dog in the house, and be prepared for a really excited dog when you get home. Don't plan on going to bed too soon after you get home.

  16. if you have a friend or relative that lives close ask them if the pup could stay with them for the day...if you know someone with a dog (that your dog gets along with) ask them if they can have a play date.

    the max i would let my dogs stay at home in a crate is 8 hours, thats only when they are pups when they get a little older i let them stay outside, when im at work.

  17. on his own ? a few hrs

  18. twelve hours is far too long to leave a dog home alone four hours is the maximum time you should leave an adult dog, contact a pet sitting agency to care for your dog.

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