
Whats the maximum amount of tv a 3 year old should watch?

by  |  earlier

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obviously none is the best.




  1. I don't think tv is bad for a child to watch.  Not all day or anything, but a little is fine.  My daughter likes to watch "super why", I watch it with her.  After she starting watching that show she started to recognizes her letters so much more then with me just trying to teach her them.

    I think it would depend on what shows you let her watch and now so much about the time.  Maybe like an hour or two a day for educational shows or 1/2 hour of just a cartoon.  

  2. a couple each day isn't gonna hurt him

  3. I think the number I've heard batted around for that age is 1 hour at the most.  But, you're right that none is best.  Watching television affects the way our brain functions.  It's a very passive activity that doesn't usually involve much thought.  And the children's programs tend to get kids more geared toward needing bright colors and music and such to be able to pay attention to things.

    My four children are 7 and under, and we haven't had a television hooked up since the oldest was a baby.  It's amazing how well they learn to entertain themselves, play imaginatively, etc, without getting used to sitting in front of a TV.

  4. All the harmless TV which at 3 is limited to "Teletubbies".

    Violence and that "sounds like number after 5" is bad for children under 10 especially for a madrassas type environment before age 10 thatcan twist them mentally like a pretzel.  Then they want Marxist profs for college, a law degree, and a chance at being a Senator then President before they are even dry behind the ears.

  5. as much as he wants my kid stays in front the T.V all day while I answer yahoo questions and play online poker I may feed him once every 3 hours if it's a slow winning day , maybe interact with him for about15 minutes eventually he falls a sleep that's the best time of day , now any mount of t.v your kid watches isn't as bad as this

    J.K :P

  6. Hi there

    I dont see the harm in letting a child watch tv most of the programmes that they show on kids programmes helps them learn. I mean just from watching tv my son can say his name and say dog cat orange and colours in sign language plus he can count to 15 and he is only

    2 1/2

    I mean i dont let him watch tv all the time he gets tv in the morning while eating his breakfast then he gets to watch untill lunch. The tv gets turned off at lunch and he has play time then it get put back on while i make dinner and he gets to watch untill its time for his bath.

    So all in all i would say he watchs tv for about 5 1/2 hours a day

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