
Whats the maximum number of consecutive monthly over limit charges my credit card company can charge me?

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Whats the maximum number of consecutive monthly over limit charges my credit card company can charge me?




  1. i've never heard of there being any limitation to the number of penalty charges a credit card company can give you.  that's what they thrive on.  just make sure you keep your balance below your max.  and if your making a payment on a statement that's already over it's limit for the previous month, make sure you pay extra so there will be enough of a cushion for the next months over limit fee so it won't make you go over your limit again and result in yet another penalty the following month.  if you aren't careful they can eat you alive.  it happened to me once by accident, and i wasted 120 dollars in penalties before i learned that lesson.  lol.

    also be careful of cards that have an annual fee.  know when that fee is going to hit if your card is near it's limit it will also make you go over and get another penalty for going over the limit.

    hope that makes sense.

  2. There is no limit.  Every single month you are over the limit, they can charge you.

  3. varies from one company to another but most companies have a standard fee of $20 or so...I know when I went over the limit by like 30 bucks...they wanted to charge me $20...

    again, try to avoid this..maxing your card out like that and paying an over limit fee is a bad idea as far as the credit score goes.

    good luck!

  4. until the twelve of never or until you get the balance below your limit!!!

  5. There is no maximum.. thats how they make their millions-people like you

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