
Whats the meanest thing you've ever done to a sibiling?

by  |  earlier

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The meanest thing I've done would probably be taking all of my sisters Webkinz, tying ropes around their necks, and hanging them in the garage for her to find.

Or when it was the middle of the night and we were downstairs (I have insomnia, she sleepwalks). While she was walking to the kitchen I went up quietly behind her and when she stopped I yelled "SQUAB!" really loudly and scared her.

Or the fact that she's was the victim of countless makeovers and haircuts gone wrong when I went through the "Makeup Lady/Hairdresser" phase.

Or when I poured super glue all over her Pokemon cards to make them shiny, when instead they just stuck together.

Haha, no wonder she hates me.

What's the meanest thing you've ever done?

Thanks for answering! =]




  1. one time i pushed my little sister into a pool and she can't swim. she was ok.

    this other time i "acidentaly" droped a book on one of her favorite tea cups and broke it.

    i killed her fish once, but that really was on acedent. i didn't know lighter fluid killed things, did u ?

    on the fourth of july last  year, me and my little sister set a fire cracker off under my older brother's chair. i think he wet himself.

  2. broke my brothers foot when i slapped him with a hockey stick. did that a month ago

    pushed him down the stairs and broke his arm.

    bit his arm so hard it blead like really badly i was 10.

    smashed his xbox by throwing it out the window.

    umm i have done so many mean things to my brother..

    it sux because my brother is only 8 months younger than me so we fight alot!

    i have never done anything mean to my little brother who is 7 though. now that would be mean

  3. when i was younger, my older sister had a friend over and she was showing off infront of her and was teasing me so i went and took all of her underwear and put them in the freezer and once they were frozen i snapped them all!

    you should have seen her face wehn she found out =O

    good times, good times.


  4. I pushed my brother down the stairs.

  5. i pushed my brother into a shelf when he was younger at the pet store. he had to get stitches.

  6. I never did anything mean to my siblings because there is such a significant age difference between us that we just left each other alone.  However, my older sisters once told me that I could be in their "club" if I ate a bowl of cat food.  Being young and naive, I ate the whole stinkin' bowl.  They ran away laughing and meowed at me for months.  We laugh about it now.

  7. Well one time my brother's dog took a big c**p in my room so I picked it up with a plastic bagand put it under his mattress and couldnt figure what it was until he moved his room around about two weeks later.

  8. hahaha i cut my sisters tee shirt and i hit my brother..haha =]

  9. Oldest sister: pushed her off her bike

    second oldest sister: used as a dodge ball target

    oldest bro: threw a huge stick and knocked him out

    second oldest brother: push off bed

    3rd oldest sister: push into wall

  10. Oldest sister: Taking her stuffed animals and ripping their heads off and put them her window cell

    2 oldest sister: on Christmas when I was three my sister told me to get her hamster so i got her hamster but when i was going up the stairs i dropped its cage and killed it -_-

    Invisible brother Patrick:tried to kill him {maw ha ha}

  11. I don't have siblings, but my friend has a 14 year old brother and she's pretty mean to him.  His friends were over and my friend went over to him and asked "whats your webkinz account again?"  They all stared at him and have a webkinz?  My friend was like "Yea, he has a cheeky cat LOL!"  

    You have really cool ways of terrorizing your sister lol.  Hanging webkinz in the that idea haha=)

  12. Wished he got cancer in a tumor that used to be in his back

  13. Ummm...well, I get along quite well with my siblings, but I guess the meanest thing I ever did to my siblings would throw chocolate pudding at them...but then again I was ten....eight years ago lol.

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