
Whats the meaning of having a meaning?

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Whats the meaning of having a meaning?




  1. Nothing has meaning, until you give it meaning.  I have nine (different) tables in my lounge! Only the one I put the remotes, and my tea cup on, has meaning to me *- the rest can go on the garbage.  Unfortunately for me, my wife love those with her paraphernalia on.  Dolls, photos, reading lamp, etc..


    *A "meaning value" of 2, my left arm a 6, and the right one a 1

  2. the meaning of having a meaning has no meaning

  3. u ask the most deep questions ive ever seen man  u have a great mind :)     and io have no idea

  4. it means that you are an intelligent person and you can give answer or meaning to any unexplained matter.....

  5. the meaning of having a meaning is to have an answer means that for whatever question you 'have' the answer to that question of you 'have' the definition for that word...

  6. The meaning of having a meaning is justifying the very existence of the source of it.

  7. The meaning is the answer. The answer is the spawn of the question. Having a meaning means to be able to exist as one thing and have a purpose. Without something having a meaning, there is no point.

  8. A word can have two kinds of meanings.

    In one case, if A means B, then we can always, for every sentence in which A appears, restate the sentence using B and not A so that the new sentence is equivalent to the original.

    On the second case, we may define C by its attributes, especially by its empirical attributes. We do this by saying that C is an entity that has the following sense properties. Whenever these properties are not present in an entity, then that entity is not C, and whenever they are present, then that entity is C.

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