
Whats the meaning of moral values?

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can you people please help me i have to find the definition of "Moral Values" for my homework and i cant find the meaning anywhere. i would be really thankful if you help me.




  1. The term implies that character traits of love, honesty, compassion, etc. have real value for the individual.  The value is usually in terms of good feelings.  For example, I feel good about myself if I am honest and bad if I tell a lie.  

    Thus the term "moral values" reduces morality to obtaining good feelings.  And so a character trait only has value if one can generate feelings.  Compassion is of value only if I feel like being compassionate.  

    The word used prior to "moral values" was the word virtue.  Virtue places those character traits outside of the realm where they can be bought and sold for good feelings.  Virtue assumes that those character traits are the proper order of the universe and not at all dependent upon how I feel.  

    Martin Luther King, Jr. once wrote that the universe is on the side of justice.  That would make justice a virtue.  If he had said, "doing the just thing will make you feel good inside", then that would make justice a moral value.  Of course, virtue depends upon a Creator/God who makes the universe to care.

  2. Hi Sanya I am Simran of your class

  3. Moral values are things held to be right or wrong or desirable or undesirable.

    Moral values, along with traditions, laws, behavior patterns, and beliefs, are the defining features of a culture.

  4. Moral values are standard accepted principals of life .it is concerned with the principals of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or badness of human character .Moral values are things held to be right or wrong or desirable or undesirable. Moral values form a subset of the set of all values, and a value simply consists of the things (abstract or concrete) that some people value.

  5. Moral values are generally shared values. If we did not have an values in common, it would be exceedingly difficult to agree on any one course of action. But since there is often disagreement as to what is the right thing to do in any situation, we can see that in fact, various values are shared to a greater or lesser extent. On some values there will be nearly unanimous agreement. On others, there may be considerable disagreement.

  6. Moral values are those traits against which people measure right and wrong. They go far beyond such things as intelligence and education and talent. Moral values come from example and from working and living together.

    Click on this website for more info on moral values.

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