
Whats the minimum age to get a job??

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Whats the minimum age to get a job??




  1. Generally, the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) sets the age of 14 as the minimum age for employment.  However, it limits the number of hours a minor under the age of 16 can work.  Individual states also have their own requirements and, if they are more strict than FLSA requirements, they will supersede FLSA.  For example, many states will require that you be at least 16 before you can work.  There may be certain exceptions and special rules for certain types of work, such as farm employment.  The link I included has a lot of information on the topic.

  2. i think its 14


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    happy to broke and desprate too lol sorry 4 any spelling errors : )

  5. Depends on the state.. In Indiana is it 14 or 15 but I think you have to have parental consent and a work permit from your school. It could be different where you live!

  6. most places its 16.

    but someplaces 15

  7. There is no minimum age to work and get job. I have seen many children working in garden and get paid nicely.

    But yes, there is a age bar for entering into employement contract. Each state / country has it different. it can be between 14 to 16.

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