
Whats the most and under age for?............

by  |  earlier

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Ok so if im 25 and he is something how much higher could he be over my age or how much lower can he be under my age?




  1. Ummm, you want to try that again? Whatever it is you're asking, it makes no sense with your present wording.

  2. Example:

    If u r 13 then you should be dating someone 13,14 or 15 max

    BUT if u were 25 you can date anyone from 25-29

    on your other question I noticed you said you were Anorexic!??!

    If you were REALLY anorexic you would have doctors surrounding you everyday trying to get you to atleast eat something once a day AND you would be in the hospital right now

    PS anorexic people have their bones showing through their body,crackly teeth,and weak bones ughh

  3. ? 23 to 30

  4. ???????????????/

  5. If you were 25, the youngest you could date is 18.  And the oldest is however old they are before they die.  At age 13, that's a different story.  I would think it would be ok if they attended the same school, but no older.  Of course, at age 13, your parents or legal guardians would be the ones to determine the age limits if they allow you to date.

  6. i would say five years would be about right  because of the experence factor  a older man looks toward compatably.a women in her mid twentys wants to see and experence the world  while the man wants to water the flowers so to speak  and a younger man is out to play... but there are exceptions  but its rare to find

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