
Whats the most controversial issue Palin grappled with as mayor of Nowheresville, AK?

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The majority of her so called" executive experience" is from being a mayor of 7,000 people(wow, my county in CT has more population then all of AK), considering she's been governor for less than 2 years. So among her toughest decisions were probably akin to approving the putting up of new stop signs and whether to change garbage day to tuesday. Does anyone realize that if McCain croaks, which is very possible considering he has had cancer several times this woman will get access to the nuclear button??? Doesn't that make any "conservatives", which is supposed to mean not taking big risks, nervous at all??

Obama looks like an elder statesman compared to her.




  1. Palin didn't VOTE to kill abortion survivors,either.  The town had issues and MOST towns have a C.Ray Nagin type who would let school property be destroyed, release all the criminals to prey on the people who cannot or will not leave during natural desasters, and say the town's populace should LOOK like them!

    A city usually is diversified with many types of people who need not look like the mayor, would drive a school bus out of town to save it and people who would ride it, and does not "party down" at the HO-tel until forced to evacuate because he is such a stinko example for the residents.

    Palin also was instrumental in getting AK a $40,000,000,000 natural gas pipeline that out 9.10ths approval rated Congress REFUSED along with DRILLING in the USA.  

    Palin also thinks that 700 BILLION we sent overseas could help the uSA get solvent and STRONG ...again.

  2. Well, they got that new traffic-light...courtesy of the Federal government, of course

  3. Actually she did a great job hiring a lobbying firm and getting more in congressional earmarks for her town than are typically gotten for cities ten times the size. Of course, she likes to take credit for doing the opposite and opposing federal budget earmarks.  

  4. Making sure that there is no funding for birth control information so that her 17 year old daughter could get pregnant before turning too old by 19.  Honey, you're gonna have that baby whether you like it or not!

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